Friday, September 15, 2017

Why the South became Republican?

If we read history books that was written before changing history. The Democratic party was the party of slavery.  The Democratic party wanted slavery and the Republican party wanted blacks to be free.
The democrats were the Confederacy and the Republicans were the Union. Jim Crow's Democrats were in the South and tolerant Republicans were in the north. 
You have had that in the 1960's and 70's that everything flipped. A common thought is that the Republicans became the racists and the Democrats became the champs of the the civil rights.
The people on the left side of the political systems said that the Republicans could only won by appealing to the worst and the face of this idea according to the media was Nixon. This was called the Southern Strategy. It was very simply, winning the South by appealing to the racist.
Now according to the media, they forget that Lincoln freed the slaves and he was a Republican. Now the media labeled the Republicans that party of rednecks.
This story of the two party switching identities  is a myth. I will talk about the three myths that are trapped into this lie.
The first myth is in order to be competitive in the South in the South, Republicans began to pander to White Racists in the 1960's.
I will say a fact. Republicans were competitive in the South in the year of 1928 because Republican Herbert Hoover won over 47 percent of the South's popular vote against Al Smith who was an Democrat.
Here is another really cool fact. Republican Dwight Eisenhower in 1952 won the Southern States of Tennessee, Florida, and Virginia. In the year of 1956, he won the states of Louisiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia. And this was after he supported the ruling on Brown and Board of Education that desegregated public schools. And after he sent forces down in Arkansas to make schools have desegregated schools.
I will talk about myth number two. Southern Democrats angry with the Civil Rights movement in 1964  switched parties.     
Here is a fact. Only one of the Democrats switched parties that was in the South. They were either voted in or replace by other Democrats.
Those 20 other seats didn't go Republican til two and half decades.
Myth number three is since the implementation of the Southern Strategy, the Republican has controlled the South.   
Here is a fact. Richard Nixon was the man that was supposed to be the man behind the Southern Strategy lost the deep South in 1968.
In the year of 1976, Jimmy Carter swept the South in that election.And this was after the Civil Rights Act in 1964.
In 1992, Bill Clinton won the state that were Georgia, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee,  Kentucky and West Virginia.
The truth is that the Republicans didn't hold a majority of Southern Congressional seats until 1994.
This was 30 years after the Civil Right Acts.
Kevin Williamson of the National Review said, "If Southern Democrats redneck switched parties because of the act in 1964, it is strange that they waited until the late 1980's and early 1990's to do so.
They say that things moves slower in the South but not that slow."
Why does the South vote mostly Republican now? The South has changed and it values has changed.
The racism that defines it are going away. The value of the South now days are Pro-life, Pro-gun and small government. 
They are many white voter that voted for a black person, they voted for Sen. Tim Scott in South Carolina who is black over a white liberal.
History moves on like other regions of the country, the South votes values not skin color.
The myth of the Southern Strategy is a smoke in mirror method to save face for losing the South.
And to slander the Republicans to call them racists.
I used to brought it but I got smart.

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