Saturday, September 23, 2017

The truth about DACA

I am an honest person that speaks from an honest reply. There is a big topic and it is about DACA.
Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals is  DACA but we will use DACA because it is shorter.
The media is going crazy about this topic. I will write about this topic.
Obama implemented the program in  2012 for some people that illegally entered the country.
People will go off emotions but we must look at the laws and do things legal for a strong country.
This act was unconstitutional (against the law) and Obama admitted it was illegal.
This is not constitutional but an executive order.  For DACA to be put into place, it has to be passed by the Congress which it was not.
Obama pushed it thru a executive order that  would be shut down by the Supreme Court.
Trump just stopped the action of DACA and has been given to the Congress six months to fix DACA if they want to keep it.
With politics, one side will call the legal citizens "racists" and "Nazis" and have the illegal citizens be considered "dreamers". The other side wants want to keep the borders safe and have a process that will allow people to be part of the United States but this process will take some time. They believe that they need to check out the people. Like a employer looking to hire an employee.
We live in a fallen world that many people want perfection. There are bad people and countries, families and business needs to protect themselves.
If we don't pay attention to the law then why do we have laws? It seems unfair to some but there is no "safe zones" in life. We must rely on the Lord and not the government.

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