Saturday, November 26, 2016

Hope beyond any polices

I don't know about you but I get tired of the problems of this world. The nations seems like a drunk person falling of their chairs and it is seems that it is getting worst.
It seems that the idea of God is not cool to be mentioned in public and the ideas of anti-God ideas are king but the nations have not known the power of God. It seems that the nations are winning against the Lord but Jesus has the victory.
Jesus came to this world to get the deed from Satan. When he died on the cross and arise from the dead then Jesus got the deed for this world and people can be cleansed before the Lord.
We must approach the Lord as sinners that needs forgiveness.
If our stocks are with the Lord then we will have a great award.
Many times, I play music after reading the news. The news gets me down but when I realized that God has won and I am playing my guitar, I have tears in my eyes. My God has the victory and I am going to heaven one day. I believe when I go to heaven, God will give me a guitar and I will every worship him. I believe that I will playing music for the Lord forever and that makes me happy.

Psalm 2

Why do the nations conspire
    and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth rise up
    and the rulers band together
    against the Lord and against his anointed, saying,
“Let us break their chains
    and throw off their shackles.”
The One enthroned in heaven laughs;
    the Lord scoffs at them.
He rebukes them in his anger
    and terrifies them in his wrath, saying,
“I have installed my king
    on Zion, my holy mountain.
I will proclaim the Lord’s decree:
He said to me, “You are my son;
    today I have become your father.
Ask me,
    and I will make the nations your inheritance,
    the ends of the earth your possession.
You will break them with a rod of iron;
    you will dash them to pieces like pottery.
10 Therefore, you kings, be wise;
    be warned, you rulers of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with fear
    and celebrate his rule with trembling.
12 Kiss his son, or he will be angry
    and your way will lead to your destruction,
for his wrath can flare up in a moment.
    Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

The road less traveled

I had a vision of two roads
We all have choices each moments
Better make the right decision

The road most traveled
Leads to a scam cliff
If you are going here, do U-turn

The cross was put on Christ
So forgiveness is and can be laid

The road less traveled
It is two sticks of wood
One long to north, Short to East

Heaven awaiting for seekers
May we travel on less traveled

Darkside of an idea

I am glad that I live in the United States where a person can express their ideas without a worry issues. There should not be a person to tell another person how to say it.
There is an growing idea that we can't express our ideas because if a person have an idea and says it in public, the IRS may audit them because of their political views or people will boycott a person business because of their stance. Another fear is that a person may lose their job because they gave a a campaign outside of their work time and the work finds out. So more people are afraid of talking about their convictions.
There is a thing called the intimidation game and this approach is to silence political opponents be punished for their political view point so one can hear them.
Jim Crow's racist used this approach down south and this was used in the  in the past to quiet the voice of blacks like the group called NAACP.
I am trying to be the middle of the road and I noticed the the Progressives are trying to have the Conservatives from having a view point in the culture.
The three ways an outsider can express this way of intimidation. The first way is that they could harass. The second way is that they could investigate and prosecute. The third way is that they black mail.
I will examine the first way of harass. They could put Federal and State agencies and bureaucrats on their on their political enemies. I think most people remember the IRS targeting issue in 2010. The IRS systemically denied or delayed non-profit status to more than 400 Citizen-Activist groups almost all Conservative.  If a person does their research, these groups made the IRS's standard for Tax-Examinations. This caused issues because these groups were denied by the IRS so they could not raise money or spend it for the 2012 Presidential Election. People in every position in life needs to have a say but the IRS denied this right.
I will be fair and say that some Democrats will say that it was only a few rebel IRS agents that were doing this and they were ignorant of the laws, their is a case a person can say that this is not true.
There are documents in the Congressional investigations and Freedom of Information Act shows that the IRS were taking it cue from powerful Democrats and their left-wing allies like
An interesting note, Senator Carl Levin repeatedly pressured the IRS to investigate Conservative  Non-Profits or President Obama warned about "shady" tea party groups.
It seems that Lois Lerner, the head of the IRS Non-Profit Division followed their ideas then investigate and prosecute.
There was a group of Democrat Prosecutors had a bogus Campaign-Finance investigation with conservative groups that were promoting Scott Walker, a conservative  candidate.
The prosecutors subpoenaed emails and financial records.They did pre-dawn raids on homes of conservatives. Then the conservatives groups were said they were in danger of going to jail if they would tell anyone. The Supreme Court of Wisconsin to end this activity.  The message was clear with the Democrats to Conservatives in that state.
The third way is called blackmail. The American Legislative Exchange Council called ALEC is good at passing free-market legislation at the state level. It is supported by many companies like Coca-cola and Kraft. There were some people from the Progressives that hate this group wanted to target some of the corporate donors. The left groups wanted to ran ads against them to label them a racists or people that they deny Global Climate Change and it worked. Many of them pulled their support in ALEC.
There seems another tactic now. It is called Forced Disclosure of Political Donors. This is when the individuals who give money to a cause or a candidate are made public.
I need to say this, disclosure can be good when it keeps track of whose money may be influencing politicians, but it is bad when it is used to target and punish average Americans that make their voice heard by giving money to their causes.
In California, left-winged activists used records to go after every person that donated to California's Prop 8 campaign. This campaign promoted that marriage is only for a man and woman.
Many people found who supported this and the house windows were broken, people messed with their cars and people went against their companies. Even a person got fired because that person supported Prop 8, Brendan Eich from Mozilla Firefox had to step down.
Conservatives can learn three things. Learn to recognize when they are bullied. The second way is be very wary of initiatives to increase financial disclosure. I need say talk about the initiatives to increase financial disclosure, they sound good but most of the time it is bully more average people that take a stand. Then they can fight back. If a person remains silent then the other-side will win.
People can have a powerful stance for freedom and conservatives need to have the freedom of speech. People have a right to speak their minds without fear of the government.
I hope that you enjoyed this. I am not trying to change anyone ideas but inform people. I hope that you will have a great life and I love you.


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Worship and God

God has given me a desire for music and worship. Worship is interesting because it is a life that honor the Lord. I like to listen to worship music and it makes me think about honoring the Lord.
I like Psalm 1. If we focus on the Lord then we will have a great life. The Lord has all power and owns everything so we must bow our hearts and thoughts towards him.
There are two type of people, ones that follow him or ones that will reject the Lord Jesus.
I will be the follower of Jesus. I hope that you will jump on the train.

Psalm 1

Blessed is the one
    who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
    or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
    which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
    whatever they do prospers.
Not so the wicked!
    They are like chaff
    that the wind blows away.
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
    nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous,
    but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Flash and dash

Drawn to a persona on Youtube
Flash and dash and flash women
Cap teeth with hundred dollar bills

Is this what life is about?
Designers suites that impresses media
We are missing the whole point

Be humble and seek the Lord
This spirit is what God wants

Again there is nothing wrong with fancy
But we must listen to Holy Spirit
May we learn to tame the beast

Let us face down to God
For we are the sheep of his hand

Friday, November 18, 2016

Are kids better off now days and how to think about life and politics?

I like the idea of politics and life. I think both go in hand to hand because it will be based on our world view points. I like to see what the younger generation thinks and does because I am a middle-age man.
The younger generation will go for the candidate that will offer free things to them and they expect a hand-out. Is this a good way of thinking?
People can do what they want but we must look at life. The word "no" and you need to work are good ideas that many parents are not giving to their children so the idea of socialism grows in every generation.
The idea that everyone needs a house but we don't have to earn is common. Or a person is guaranteed a six figure job after college. 
The politicians come in and do promises that don't make economic sense but to a person that never earned a thing in life, this makes sense.
Life is not always fair in our minds but we must put in hard work and not depend on the government for our help. 
The backbone of the culture are parents and I am not a parent but a parent job is raise their children in their best understanding of wisdom and not being their friend.
Colleges promote "safe places" but during the last election, many students needed to have therapy.
I am not trying how a person should vote but we need common sense in life and how to view ideas outside of selfish mind. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Food and clothing

We see all the ads
A pretty one sales goods to us
Then we obey and buy

Marketing has a corner
The emotions become king
Discontentment comes in

But if we have food and clothing
We will be content with that

If we keep on going forward
Our provision will be met
Do plan but remember this

But if we have food and clothing
We will be content with that

I have tripped and fall
The society curse in me
But I must remind myself

But if we have food and clothing
We will be content with that

Let us slow down
And bow our thoughts
Be thankful for dinner and socks

Saturday, November 12, 2016

People are protesting Trump as President

I see many people protesting the idea of Trump being president. You can have your theory but I will explain how the Electoral College works and there are times in life that everyone don't receive their wishes so we all need to grow up.
The president and the vice-president are not chosen by the popular vote. If this was the case then Clinton would be president of the United States; however, the United States election works by 538 electors and you can read this in the United States Constitution.
The founder fathers could have gone with the most votes but their are many reasons why they rejected that plan.
The founders had no intention creating a pure majority-rule democracy. They believed that pure democracies do no work but the founders believe that true democracies would fall apart.
Pure Democracy is like two wolves and a lamb voting for what is dinner and two wolves want the lamb for dinner. The lamb would have no choice. The big population areas in ten places can take away the voice of the small town in Iowa.
The founding fathers created three branches of the government. The three branches are Executive, Legislative and Judicial.   Every state will have two senators even if the state has very few people that live in it.
The representatives are based on the population of the state. A person may say that they don't like this so it takes super-majority in congress and 3/4 of the states to change the Constitution. And that is why that we have the Electoral College.
There are two phrases in the Presidential election. The first phrase is purely democratic. There are 51 popular elections every four years (every state and D.C.).
People may think that they voted for Clinton but they were voting for the number of Elector votes for that state for Clinton. This is purely pure democratic.
There are phrase two in the election for the President. In December, this will control who is next president. The next president needs 270 Electors. This is there because it builds coalition and feet on the ground to gain many type of people not just the big population areas.
The next president needs to gain the support of the whole country.
People like to talk about the swing states. Swing states are always changing so it goes beyond this idea. George W. Bush won West Virginia which helped him to became president.  
Every voter matters in the system that the United States has. This makes stealing votes very hard.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Face to face time

The soul connection for peace
A being that knows everything
Understands every part of you

Face to face time is on no app
This persona gives deep hugs
Kiss the hurt in heart

Will not discover this person on TV
We must pick up a book
read the surest words

Reach up to the sky
Lift your voice to the clouds
Run for the eternal matter

Jesus longs for your relationship
Confess your sins and transform by the Spirit
He will lead into forever bliss

What about the guns bans?

Many times, we hear politicians talk about common-sense gun control. Here is a list that many will hear and the list are assault weapons, gun sales and other half measures.
These ideas are rooted from the 1960's.
The people that promote the 1960's idea like to think that fewer guns means less gun crime.
If we look further in this idea, the people that pushed this idea should push for a bigger ban what they currently promote.
The late Sen. Howard Metzenbaum said, "If you don't ban all guns, you might as well ban none of them."
Again, few people in power want a partial ban on guns don't want a full ban because a full ban on guns have no popular support. Here are some facts, California tried a vote on banning guns in 1982 and the people were against the idea and Massachusetts tried this in 1976 and the people hated this idea.
Some people are looking outside the country for help. Australia in 1996 had an interesting idea.
A man killed 34 people in Tazmania by a semi-auto gun and the government banned semi-auto guns and repeating shot guns and the government took 700,000 registered firearms. The total was 3 million in total.
The ratio of guns in the United States with type of ban would take away 150 millions guns away but at the same time, there would be 200,000,000 guns that people would have and this does not include hand-guns.
If you don't know, hand-guns are 80% of gun crimes.
You want to know in the 2007 International Small Arms survey in 72 countries, only 1/3 would comply. If the people of the United States are similar then there would tens of million of small arms in the black market.
The sad news is that politicians will play both side the fence. They purse the votes of gun owners and they want to ban bad guns.
Again, the issue is that their policy don't affect the issue, then blame the gun lobby.
If you want to ban the semi-auto guns then attack and describe the supply-side policies and how people that obey the law can keep their weapons.
If they can't solve the these issues then let it be. Criminals will always get there weapons but should we disarm people while bad people have theirs.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

The slow dance

Man have their great plans
Events never occur as should
It makes people wonder

The slow dance of life
The masses are confused
What should be the step

The Lord's will be done
Commit to Christ
Follow the path to heaven

In the scheme of this world
Place view in the future
Be proactive in goals

Read the Bible and obey
God places desires in heart
Try the task and see

In the end of day
Be content with the results
Don't force nothing

Trump and Clinton

The year of 2016 is very interesting. The United States has two people that ran for the office of being the President of the United States. These two people are not liked by many people. One person name is Clinton and the other person name is Trump. A big voting block don't like neither people and this block is called the "Born-Again Christians."
Many Christians will not vote this year and I can't tell them how to vote but I will share my two cents.
I need to talk about the Supreme Court. Clinton will promote judges that will not promote the Christian and life view point. The argument for Christians that will not vote for Trump is that he would appoint the same judges but his list for judges are conservatives.
If Christians want people to hear their voice then not voting will cause people not to hear you.
I know they will say that Clinton and Trump are both evil but is less evil good?
Again, I can't tell people how to vote but please heed my words and have a good night.