Saturday, November 12, 2016

People are protesting Trump as President

I see many people protesting the idea of Trump being president. You can have your theory but I will explain how the Electoral College works and there are times in life that everyone don't receive their wishes so we all need to grow up.
The president and the vice-president are not chosen by the popular vote. If this was the case then Clinton would be president of the United States; however, the United States election works by 538 electors and you can read this in the United States Constitution.
The founder fathers could have gone with the most votes but their are many reasons why they rejected that plan.
The founders had no intention creating a pure majority-rule democracy. They believed that pure democracies do no work but the founders believe that true democracies would fall apart.
Pure Democracy is like two wolves and a lamb voting for what is dinner and two wolves want the lamb for dinner. The lamb would have no choice. The big population areas in ten places can take away the voice of the small town in Iowa.
The founding fathers created three branches of the government. The three branches are Executive, Legislative and Judicial.   Every state will have two senators even if the state has very few people that live in it.
The representatives are based on the population of the state. A person may say that they don't like this so it takes super-majority in congress and 3/4 of the states to change the Constitution. And that is why that we have the Electoral College.
There are two phrases in the Presidential election. The first phrase is purely democratic. There are 51 popular elections every four years (every state and D.C.).
People may think that they voted for Clinton but they were voting for the number of Elector votes for that state for Clinton. This is purely pure democratic.
There are phrase two in the election for the President. In December, this will control who is next president. The next president needs 270 Electors. This is there because it builds coalition and feet on the ground to gain many type of people not just the big population areas.
The next president needs to gain the support of the whole country.
People like to talk about the swing states. Swing states are always changing so it goes beyond this idea. George W. Bush won West Virginia which helped him to became president.  
Every voter matters in the system that the United States has. This makes stealing votes very hard.

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