Monday, December 5, 2016

Should we use "Merry Christmas"

Should we use the words "happy holidays" instead of "merry Christmas"? I will explain my ideas.
There is an movement that want to kill the word Christmas and they have done a great job on this task.
The older generation remembers when people wished each other a "merry Christmas".
Most stores and places only say "happy holidays". When someone wishes me a "happy holiday", I will greet that person with "merry Christmas" then I feel I said a curse word.
There is a war on Jesus. The people that don't want the word "Christmas", don't want Jesus in the culture so they scare people from the C-word. Many people want a secular culture so brain wash people from Jesus.
I will have to say this, and I try not to be rude. The left believes in secularism as much as Jews and Christians believe in the Bible and that is why secular people hate Christmas.
The anti-Christmas people will use the inclusive argument on people. They believe that Christmas anything is not inclusive but the argument is lacking a punch.
Who is being when a person is being wished a "merry Christmas"? Non-Christians?
Many Jews that don't believe in Jesus, they celebrate Christmas a national holiday and not a holy day.
Irving Berlin who is a Jew wrote the song called "White Christmas."
Many Jews have written many Christmas songs.
When a person don't wish a Jew or other people a "Merry Christmas", that person is excluding a person.
Is excluding people good from a nation holiday good? Many people that don't believe in Jesus believe  in Jesus have a form of Christmas so why should the C-word be banned.
Let's say Christmas party, Christmas vocation and etc.

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