Thursday, May 11, 2017

Why isn't communism as hated as Nazism?

It is interesting when people talk about evil people or systems, they always used the words Nazism or fascism.  They will never use the word Communism.  The system of Communism has caused great harm.
I am asking why Communism not mentioned in the same sentence as Nazism.
Here are some facts about Communism. China has killed 70 million people. The Soviet Union has killed more than 20 million people. There have been 5 million killed in Ukraine by Communism.
One in every three people in Cambodia has been killed by Communism.
If you look where Communism has been in Russia, North Korea, Vietnam, Central Asia, Eastern Europe and Cuba. They ruined the lives of well over one billion people.
I believe many reasons for Communism not as hated as Nazism.

1# Widespread ignorance of the Communist record 

I have heard that the left and the right hate communism and I believe the left (not traditional liberals), the left has never loathed communism. The left control the educational system, no one ever hears about the evil of Communism.

#2 The Nazis carried out the Holocaust 
The Holocaust is pure evil. This event is the most evil the common people can think of.
Communist has killed more people but the way that Nazis is sickening.

#3 The Words people like 
Communism is based on unproven ideas not based on real life and Nazism is based on racism.
The intellectuals in education are in love by words. They think words are more important than actions.
They like the words of Communism so they focus on the horrific actions of the Nazis. 
They dismiss the evils of Communism as perversions of "true communism". But I give them credit to this, they hate the words and actions of the Nazis.

#4 Germans exposed the evil of Nazism 
Germans have exposed the evils or Nazism and taken responsibility for that. Russia has never done anything similar to this regarding to Lenin's or Stalin's horror.
Lenin, the father of Communism of Russia is considered a hero. A University of London Russian Historian, Donald Rayfield says, "People still deny, by implication, Stalin's Holocaust."
The greatest mass murder and enslaver of them all is Mao Zedong.
Every currency note have his picture on it. The Communist Countries has not repented from their evils so Communism will be looked more favorable because many outsiders don't know history or facts.

#5 Communist Killed their own people
Communist killed their own people. The popular opinion will hate the Nazis and are indifferent if someone kills their own people. A good example are blacks killings millions of fellow blacks in Africa elicits almost no attention from "world opinion."

#6 The Left view the last good war was WWII  
In the view of the left. The last good war was WWII. The war was against Fascism and Nazism. The left does not regard wars against Communist Regimes as "Good Wars."
The war in Vietnam was immoral according to the left. The Korea conflict was ignored.
Until the left and their system acknowledge the evil of Communism has been, we will continue to live in a morally confused world.

It is sad that billions of people have been hurt or killed by Communism and many people don't know the history or facts. I will say that I am feel bad that people in my country don't know this, sorry.
I love you people that live in these countries or have. I know the truth.

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