Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Can I make a difference?

You are thinking this
Is the Lord using your talents?
Is all the out-reaches really effective?

Go easy on yourself
You are making a difference
Just keep on the train track

In heaven everything will be revealed
You will see great deeds of the Lord
You can make a difference

When a person taught Sunday School
A child created a space for Jesus in the heart
He asked Jesus in because of your words

A drunk person quit drinking
You shared the gospel with this person
Became a preacher helping millions

A classmate was in saving grace
She saw the caring side of you
Simple she saw Jesus in your actions

A company worker fell on hard times
His family was killed in an accident
You nursed him to Jesus

You are in a introspective process
You realize the workings of Jesus
Keep up the faith 'til the end

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