Monday, August 31, 2015


Many teens runaway from their homes
There are many reasons
I don't know all of them

Everyone realize the difficult road
Even adults know this history
Runaway from the pain

Self-center goals and solutions
Don't bring resolution
Many eighty years old still runaway

The Holy Spirit draws many people
Few will hear the conviction
Many people have dead souls

Christ became a man
So we don't have to runaway
But embrace the Lord

The God-man knew our pain
He lived on this earth
Then died on the cross

He conquered death
To take our place
We can found a home

We must repent from our sins
We pick up the cross
And walk with purpose with God

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Can I make a difference?

You are thinking this
Is the Lord using your talents?
Is all the out-reaches really effective?

Go easy on yourself
You are making a difference
Just keep on the train track

In heaven everything will be revealed
You will see great deeds of the Lord
You can make a difference

When a person taught Sunday School
A child created a space for Jesus in the heart
He asked Jesus in because of your words

A drunk person quit drinking
You shared the gospel with this person
Became a preacher helping millions

A classmate was in saving grace
She saw the caring side of you
Simple she saw Jesus in your actions

A company worker fell on hard times
His family was killed in an accident
You nursed him to Jesus

You are in a introspective process
You realize the workings of Jesus
Keep up the faith 'til the end

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

What has happened

Hey what has happened to you

Your fruit looked so good
But now you wasting away in sin
Selfish ambition rules you

Hey what has happened to you

Is love the ruler of your life
You say following Jesus
But your display shows you up

Hey what has happened to you

Sincerity is falsehood in you
Jesus said this
If you love, follow my commands

Hey what has happened to you

I guess the world grabbed you
God has a broken heart
Repentance is required now

Hey what has happened to you

I know you will open your eyes
Realizing holiness cleanse
I am praying for you

Monday, August 24, 2015

Fall from grace

Always hear fall from grace
A drug addict change from the rebirth
The crowds are amazed

It is great but don't forget
This one type of person
That accept Jesus in younger years

That the young one keeps strong
Stay in the line 'til the end
Receiving awards from the Father

Sin is overrated and never profits
The pure life undervalued
Pick up the cross everyday

Lord, I claimed you in my teens
You have kept me in Your presence
Helped me to be faithful

Your Words reign in my heart
I recall in my devotion
I desire no stumbles

The Way

I know life is hard
But there is the Way
His name is Jesus

He is the Way
The truth
And light
Hate your sin and accept

I know life is hard
But there is the Way
His name is Jesus

For He is
The Way
The Truth
The Light
My Lord

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Judgement Day

Judgement day is coming so get ready
Thought about this after reading
Some trust in eastern thoughts
Eastern thoughts will not take away the curse

It is appointed one to die
Then face judgement
There is no nirvana and many lives
I don't want to scare people but have truth

But people swear to their belief
Many hope in many births
People are can believe something
And be sincerely wrong

Hold the key
Jesus is the key
He wants to know everyone

In a post modern society talk
Promote things that will not last
It doesn't matter what we think
What does God and the Book say

Saturday, August 22, 2015

M and M

A debate on money is a topic
Politicians have their platform
People talk on the internet

Some thinks no one should be rich
Still other thinks this
A person keeps what they make

We need to get reminded of this
Everything is from the Lord
He blessed some with money

If God gives money to a person
Then that person is more accountable
A steward not true owner

Some may have houses
If have house
Then give the home to the Lord

Don't feel bad
Some may have no house or coins
Be faithful with what God has given

More importantly this
Time and talent everyone has
Use everything for the will of the Lord

God the Father wants a good return
Christ hang on the tree
So we can follow the Way, Truth and Life

Friday, August 21, 2015

Let us worship the Lord

Let us worship the Lord our God
Let us worship with our hearts
Let us worship with our temples
Laying before the Throne of God

Let our Honor our King
Let us kneel before the King
Let us bow down before our King
To show how much we love the King

Let us worship the Lord God
Send Your Spirit on
Our souls
Fill our cups, Lord

Thursday, August 20, 2015

When He went to the cross

Jesus saved my soul from death
When He went to the cross

His life was His love
Where He died and arose for me

The Father saw my tears at night
So He sent His only Son

To save my soul from sin and death
When He went to the cross

Jesus saved my soul from death
When He went to the cross

His life was His love
Where He died and arose from the dead

The Father saw my tears at night
So He sent His only Son

To save my soul from sin and death
When He went to the cross

Thank You, Lord for saving me
When You went to the cross

Now my life means something
All because of Your name

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Reminiscence while he was living on this green planet
Sat me on his lap
Saying you will be a man of God
Tear racing down his eye lashes

He was great even in rashes
Replying in my younger snow
Knowing God cared for me
Older I got trouble spiced up living

He was communicating with the Father
Ask the Lord Above to help me 
The depressed grandson of his
Hoping and praying for my confessing to Calvary

Thank you, Lord
Amazing One for my grandfather
Recalling I will embrace my grandfather someday
Heaven is far better than my ideas

Hopefully my words and life honors the Lord
My grandfather desired me to surrender to Jesus
The cross redeemed my life
The cross saved my grandfather life from hell

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The stores of life

There are many stores in life
The crowd murmurs thru the streets
No inner peace

The items on the internet store
These things are surface without purpose
The minds become more dull

Eternity is not found in politics
Many people camp on this spot
Politics are fine but don't fill the soul

The next store is education
Education can inform the mind
But it will not  give someone wisdom

Maybe the store of material can do
Materials will never smooth our hurt
May have stuff but worry at night

The store of relationship is popular
No human is perfect
Always have issues and need work

This world is so temporal
Here today and gone tomorrow
All the stores are bankrupt

Need to buy stock here
The forever line is beyond the fad
Jesus remains forever there

He created mankind to know him
But Adam sinned
So man is separated

Christ died on the cross
Arose from the dead
Repent and follow him

It is up to you
Live today
Or die tomorrow  

Monday, August 17, 2015

Aborted Babies

Women liberties maintain aborted babies
It's the women right to guillotine?
The accident can be reserved for waste?

If a man shots a woman who is pregnant
You have a double member
But if a woman aborts a baby that's okay?

Is there something wrong?
In this picture I do see it
People claim to be spiritual?

Are you living under God's guidance?
If a person had to face God then a statement?
We die then face the Father before the throne

God doesn't delight in aborted babies
For he has a chart for little babies
Is man's way loftier then God's?

Did man create everything in seven days?
Do man have all the wisdom?
Do man have all the knowledge?

Am I am going crazy?
People say they can do anything to their body
Fear God who can take the human soul to hell

I don't hate people who aborted babies
I just hate that there are died babies
The babies shouldn't face the death penality

The Senate thinks aborted babies are okay
A lot of so called experts agree, too
But they are just man

A person can have an aborted baby
The cost is the mental health of the woman
Guilt will be inside the woman after the operation

A couple years the pain will increase
The woman will have a hurt heart
The conscience will murder the soul

There is forgiveness in repentence
Jesus wants to use women for His glory
Satan destroys and the Lord gives rebirth

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Power of prayer

Hannah prayed to the Lord
The Almighty opened the womb
Hannah had prayer of faith
Her dedication showed the greatness of God

Hannah conceived the prophet Samuel
The names stands for I asked the Lord
Without a child
A woman can give their sorrow to the Source

Another great history are displayed
Reubenities against the Hagrities
God gave the victory to the Reubenitities
God answers the crying prayers

Paul and Silas was put in prison
Most would be in fear
But they took everything to prayer
The Holy Spirit guided them to prayer

David wrote in Psalms chapter six verse nine
The Lord has heard my cry for mercy
The Lord accepts my prayer
Let's claim this in our lives

Jesus prayed and a deaf and mute spirit no more
The man became free because of God the Son
I can't explain an teaching about God's prayer
But Jesus prays for me and you

The book of Proverbs spreads wisdom to mankind
We can unlock it with our soul with the cross
The prayers of the righteous please the Creator
The world may fail but believers have victory

Devote your life to prayer
Many people fall in love with someone
Marriage is difficult
Two may break but three can't be beaten

Marriage brings hard time
God can grow the man and woman
They need depend on the Lord
And ask the Lord for a new heart

The power of prayer is great
The Holy Spirit empowers people
We must repent from our sins
Then the Holy Spirit lives from within

Friday, August 14, 2015

Depresson gone

Darkness looms over America
Jack Daniels invades families in Seattle
Mother's abuse her eagles
Divorces clods pres in Providence
Junior Highs pregnancy in Los Angeles

Depression gone in Zion
Depression elements have no appeal
Suicidal gnats never resume
Gang members quit their crew

The is a train of revival
Sees can't progressed in train
shade in paradise
Rays of Garden of Eden

A tremendous thanksgiving in pie
Millions have partaken in pie
Still presumption for the train

Christianity just another religion?
Christ laid on Calvary
What other religions have same renews?

Without ceremonial
Closeness in footsteps
No interpreter supplication for you and God
Only Christ can lead to the Father

Self in not having God, good?
Is there a roof abounding when a curse shakes?
Perfect if you get judge?
Two deaths are charmed?

God has fondness for seers
No burdens overloading God
Burdens not made for humans

God's yoke is easy
People overcome without fear
For he will conquered depression

Thursday, August 13, 2015

The fatherless

Many children grieve because of their fathers
When they were in their mother's womb
The fathers flew like the wind
Causing a empty flow

Mothers have to raise their children alone
Their children are missing a male firgure
Insecurity  increases in the street
Grades will decrease until students drop-outs

Hardship fills the little ones
No fatherly advice when growing up
The violence are reported by the news
But there is hope

Up in heaven the Father cares
He see the child whimpering at night
He can and will lead the kids
So he can visit with the sadden ones

He gave his only begotten Son to the cross
So anyone might have guidance when questions be
Have Jesus makes the Father, your father
For His Word is valid
It is a relationship not religion 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Doing my thing

Lord, I am doing my thing
And I have forgotten about the cross
Where You died in my place
I deserve hell but I am heavenward

Lord, I'm sorry for my actions
Take me back into Your arms
Where I can receive forever joy

The illustration of sin blinds the eyes
This spiritual cancer killing my soul
Let me cling to Your Word
Where eternal truth lives

The pain on the cross was for me
You are the key for my salvation
May I devote everything to You

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Holy Word

Let's us read Your Holy Word
For we get blown by the wind
Strange teachings which are not from the Word

For we can get fooled by the wind
False apostles says this what God means
In reality that is the biggest lie

The biggest lie it's from God
Don't be deceived by the trick
Nothing new under the sun

For we get blown by the wind
Strange teachings which is not the Word
Nothing new under the sun

God does not desire his bride to be lied to
He desire that we know the pure Word
Not what a false apostle preaches

For we get blown by the wind to easilly
Strange teaching which is not the Word
Dissension in the Body of Christ because of this

Let's us read  Your Holy Word
Not strange teaching which is not the Word
For we get blown by the wind too easily
Nothing new under the sun

Let's us read Your Holy Word
For we get blown by the wind
Strange teachings are not from Your Word

Nothing new under the sun
Let's do what Josiah did
Get the Word of God out


Monday, August 10, 2015

Bod Pierced

Bod piercing
I rationalize it as
Heavenly, I ought
I ought to gather the equipment

I seen my inside
My inside has became devious
Devious in all the Senses
I could make  green bills

 Maybe I don't
Don't need the equipment
Bod piercing seems
Seems harsh to me

But I know
Man, 0h man
 I could gather the truth
But the truth I used to believe

Yesterday someone stole an car
He thought it was proper
The human heart can deceive
What about my desire

I thought about stealing money
It was wrong
But my selfish nature took over
I am a hopeless case

There must be one standard
If that is true
I am in trouble
I have no peace

It seems anarchy
My friends don't want to rply to this
Because they are
They are their own standard

I am beginning to think
Think of a standard
A standard I can't
I can't live up to

So I view the cross of Jesus
My sinful nature is fighting
There is a civil war from withing
God the Father please help me

So I must grab the equipment
The hammer and nails
Bod piercing my hands and feet
Then I will have a new nature

Sunday, August 9, 2015


What is loneliness?
Where is loneliness?
How do you get loneliness?

Deep in your essence loneliness
Dejected among gatherings
Preferring to be someone else

Sobbing when no one is gazing
Why is it appearing?
An easy target?

Loneliness is awkward
Going through it
Hurting grows

Unwise in everything
God, I  don't know why
Growing everyday

It doesn't soothe
No friends
An empty room

Satan is laughing
Calling on God
To take loneliness away

God,  I need Your Spirit
Take me home to Your arms

Facing loneliness
You are always there for me 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Jesus my high priest

Jesus my high priest I am having a  hard time
My faith is lacking
Help me to trust You

I read in Your Word
Your Word says I pray, You answer
But in back of my mind, I doubt

Sometimes I doubt like this so forgive me
I know you are making me stronger
I wish I can take my own advice

Jesus my high priest
You say approach with confidence
We will receive mercy and grace

I know what Your Word says
But again I doubt
That You answer my longings

I don't want to became most people
That stop believing in You
But I fear this reality

I really don't know but this I feel
What I feel
But I need to to on faith not feeling

Faith is a word that can be down and up
Jesus my high priest
Jesus my Lord and Savior

Why Lord I feel this way
I just bubble words
Of unbelief

I know thru You I can do
You will fulfill my longings
Your will in my life 

Is there a job out there?

Is there a job out there?
It is hard because I been looking
Looking for a few months now

Everyday I get up
Look everywhere and send my resume out
Will this trial ever end?

You are the One I rely on
You are my strength
Jesus is beyond my grief

Jesus comforted me
I am sinner that deserve hell
He is perfect in every place

He is God himself
He came to this earth
He lived the perfect life

He died on the cross to pardon us
He conquered death so peace be
Peace in our souls

Repentance is the key
Replace the disgrace to beauty
Sinful nature to heaven bound

Follow the Lord with the soul
Sin will pay bad
The Holy Spirit gives riches

My new job is living for Jesus
He will provide the job for me
Honor the Lord then everything be added

Friday, August 7, 2015

The One who is?

Who is the light in darkness?
Who is the savior for drug addicts?
Who's creation is in the park?
Who do we see when we hit the grave?
Many scientists epilogue apes were before us
Glasses revealed He notion man to be His
The Gospel of God preaches joys of the third level
And the iniquities of Hell
Deliver can reinvest sincerity
Christian ethics the beauty yet unseen without anointing
Temptation of apple but nothing to Jesus
Inward decisions to follow or not
Is up to the individual
I chose life
What do you chose?

Loving touch

Cold worldly supervision changed with a sad restart
A clean follower metaphor is a gold stone
Only glimpse of fortune with O Shepherd
O Shepherd shows magically the bronze
O Shepherd Prince of Peace
O Shepherd honest treasure with a pass
 O Shepherd the earth meet in regions getting edified
O Shepherd awake perfect service
O Shepherd friend of strangers
O Shepherd fishermen of timid rocked man
O Shepherd take secular humanist lust away
O Shepherd flush the flesh away