Wednesday, April 18, 2018


We all lack self-control
While the Son offers it to us
But we will choice sin over Jesus

We as mankind are controlled by our lust
We lay around and play around
So cause issues in the ghetto to the rich places

We do not know the truth
So we break all the rules
There is no trust at all

We reject the Bible
Then a shooting then
We say that we are basically good

I look into my heart's desire
I am wicked without self-control
If I renounce the Lord Jesus

We are dogs chasing their tails
Which is an impossible task
Are you doing this now?

Drugs are huge in the world
People have empty souls
So smoke that or inject this

Drugs will not help with self-control
There is not cure for drug addiction
Only Jesus will heal

People hide in alcohol
We need to surrender to the Son
Then we will have self-control

This is common sense
But you know the statement
It is not so common

Are you common
Or you not common
Follow the Savior 

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