Friday, April 13, 2018

Does laws make an difference in alcohol?

We make laws to make things better. I always hear about the gun bans and this will stop all the violence. I will go to the same approach that some people did in the last century.

There were people that banned alcohol because it was evil. They thought that the ban would make the culture better but many people made their own alcohol and got rich.

I see their point. Every 30 minutes someone dies in the U.S. is killed by an drunk driver.
In 2006, an estimated 17,602 people died in alcohol-related crashes.
Not all drunk-driving ends in murder. Every 24 hours 1,620 people are injured or maimed by a drunk driver.

Let's look at the death in Wars since WW1. There have been 594,161 that was killed and since WW1, there have been 1.7 million that been killed in drunk-driving accidents.

In 2007, there were 4,013 that were killed in Iraq. There were 17,600 that were killed by drunk-drivers.

I see the reason why the people wanted to ban alcohol but the idea was great on paper but it failed.

If we ban guns then people will kill with other items.

In the UK in 2007, there were  37,443 knives offenses. London had 12,980 knife crimes.

In the UK, knife crime across the county has risen 21% in 12 months up to September 2017, according to the quarterly, figures released by the Office of National Statics.

Stabbing in London are the highest in 6 years, 23% from the previous years.

Like many people that see issues with the United States have with guns, the UK have the same issues with knifes.

London Mayor, Sadiq Khan wants to ban knifes because knifes kill people.

I will sum up what many people are saying and I will bring the matters  to its logical  conclusion  on people that want to ban the guns, alcohol and knives.

If you ban the guns, alcohol and knife then everything will be alright with the culture. That is an common thought in the culture.

Alcohol became more of an problem when the United States banned it.
People kill with knives in the UK instead of guns and people are afraid to go outside because of knives.

We like to sue the gun makers, alcohol maker and knife makers because they are evil in many people eyes. So I will explain more on this topic.

The issue is that mankind is not as good as we think we are. We need morals and no matter what laws you passed, people will abuse beer and kill people with their cars.

People can hunt for food with their guns and some people will kill others with that same gun. So it goes back to morals.

People can make trails and cut up food with knives but always kill people with them.

So we need to get back to morals and without moral nothing will stop these horrible events. We need one truth for everyone and do it. Jesus needs to live in everyone's hearts.    

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