Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Is United States Media following Russia Media?

The former Soviet Union thought that if they controlled the media then they could controlled their own people by ignorance.
The most important newspaper in the former Soviet Union was called Pravda.
I will teach you a Russian word. The word is call Pravda and it may mean truth but the newspaper did a bad job in naming the newspaper "Pravda".
Pravda was fulls of lies. The people that lived in the Soviet Union knew that they were being lied to.
I will turn the table to the United States. Unlike the Russians that knew better but we as Americans are not very smart. We follow the lies of the media and think it is truth.

In the United States, we think that we are getting the real story from the mainstream media but we are not. When we watch CNN, or read the Washington Post on our I phones. We are getting a biased information that is bent in one direction only.

This should make the Republican or the Progressive very angry. For a great society, the people need a press that they can trust be fair in the middle. The sad news is that our media that we get on our phones from our smart phones are biased to the left. Which is not good. It is should be in the middle.

A good example of the biased media is Donald Trump. (I understand that you may not like him but I will talk about fairness and being in the middle.)
John Bonifield an producer from CNN acknowledge that there were lack of evidence for his network's effort to link the Trump Campaign and the Russian government in a plot to rig the 2016 election.

John Bonifield said, "I think that the president is probably right to say, like, 'Look you are witch-hunting me. You have no smoking gun; you have no real proof."

CNN did all this in 2016 because of ideology but rating were also included. John Bonifield said that Trump and Russian story was good for business.

I will talk about the New York Times. Nick Dudich is their Audience Strategy Editor. He said that we was responsible for all the videos that went on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
Nick Dudich said, "My Imprint is on every video we do."

Nick Dudich worked on the Obama's and Clinton's campaign. He said, "he hoped to to use his postion to make the President's life as difficult as possible."
He later said, "I will be objective." But he was joking around. He then said, "No, I'm not That's why I am here."

Des Shoe is an editor of the New York Times. Des said, "I think one of the things that maybe journalist were thinking about is like , oh, if we write about Trump, about how insanely crazy he is, and how ludicrous his policies are, then people may read it and be like, oh wow, we should not vote for him."

According to the handbook to the New York Times about journalist ethics. The handbook says, "The Journalist may not do anything that damages The Times reputation for strict neutrality in reporting on politics and government."

You have seen the quotes of John Bonified, Nick Dudich and Des Shoe words and what New York Times brag about being fair in reporting.

Project Veritas who worked undercover and interviewed John Bonifield, NIck Didich and Des Shoe was made fun of by the Executive  Editor of the New York Times. Dean Baquet said that James O'keefe was an despicable person for recording one of his employees telling the truth.

In 2012, the Republican who was running for the Presidential office said  that 47 percent of Americans would not vote for him because they were dependent on the government. The New York Times praised Mitt Romney. The New York Times said, "Offering a rare glimpse of {Romney's} personal views."

Dean Baquet said, "The Journalist has to have in his or her heart to make the society better."
I think that Dean should hear this from me.

I think that real journalist needs to seek the truth and report on it. If the journalist don't agree with the information, then they need to report it. This may make them write articles that will disagree with their beloved newspaper or blog but they need to do it.

The journalist needs to report the news and not be biased when they write. People need to get informed but to many people are not getting informed by real news.

When journalist shape news to fit their vision of a better society, they're not doing their job.
I believe that CNN or the rest of the mainstream media needs to admit that they are only for the Left ideas and kill anyone on the Right Politically. If they were truly honest which they are not.
CNN lies, they distort and tell a tall story. And I rename the current state of the media in the United States from CNN and New York Times and I rename them "Pravda."
I want the truth and I am not getting at CNN or New York Times.

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