Saturday, August 5, 2017

Taxes are killing small business

No matter where you come from. What your job is or where you stand in politics, you have to pay taxes.
The government needs taxes to pay for schools, firefighters, and the military.
There are many types of taxes like income taxes, payroll taxes, and sales taxes. Individuals will pay taxes but companies pay taxes, too. Companies pay income taxes, too.
Corporation pays the US Corporation tax rate which is 35 percent. The highest in the developed world.
Ireland and Switzerland pays under 25 percent Corporation tax rates. This helps a competitive advantage.
There is another tax group that we are forgetting. We need to include small businesses.
There are 29 million in the United States and they employ 56 million people. They are 85 million people that depend on small businesses.
Small business are set up in sole proprietorship, partnerships or S-Corp.
Their taxes are not taxed at the Corporate rate but individual income to the owner that is why you might hear them called as "pass-throughs."
The small business can pay up to 40 percent in taxes and this does not include sales taxes and local taxes.
Small business are getting taxed higher than the big companies. Small business are getting taxed more in the United States more than any developed country in the world.
Why should you care?
High taxes hurt some business to grow and expand. They are forced to raise prices and maybe to trim jobs to remain in their budgets.
If someday that taxes are lowered for small business, growth of small businesses which helps with more jobs and boost the economy.
Here is an interesting fact, 2/3 of new jobs come from small business.
Lowering taxes can have a big effect on the economy for all Americans.
The next time, you hear about someone that want increase tax rates on businesses. Remember the small business that will be affect with the 85 million people that depend on these small businesses.


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