Thursday, August 31, 2017

If you hate poverty, you should love capitalism

We all hear people complain about capitalism and they will use the words, "Capitalism is all about greed." That person may have I am the 99% t-shirt.
I will share some facts to that person and anyone who wants to listen.
The percentage of people that are living in a global poverty rate has gone done 80% since 1970.
Before the year of 1970, one in every four people were living on a dollar per day.
If you want some really fact, there are one in every twenty people that live on a dollar a day.
This is a great achievement in mankind. How did this happened.
Do you think that the United Nations had a great policy? Was it the great amount of money in US Aid to other countries? Did it came from the International Monetary Fund? The World Bank?
Did it came from Stimulus Spending? Or maybe a popular idea like Governmental Retribution?
They are all great guesses but they are all wrong. It was capitalism.
Billions of people have got out of poverty because of capitalism.
I will have a list of five items. They are Globalization, Free Trade, Property Rights, the Rule of Law and Entrepreneurship.
Globalization is the ever-increasing ability to move goods, people, and ideas from one distant land to another.
Free Trade open access to market and people from all over the world.
Property Rights ensuring that what belongs to you can't be taken away from the government.
The Rule of Law safeguards contracts assuring they will be respected and live up to whether if you live in Mexico or Europe.
Entrepreneurship the creativity of free people to dream up new products to improve people lives.
If you read history, East Asia accepted these ideas after World War Two. It is because United States Global Diplomatic and Military presence.
The ideals of Free Enterprise and global leadership, central to Capitalism and American Conservatism.  These ideas are the reason that people are living better.
The United States has blessed many people and nations.
If these American Conservative Ideas has done so well, why do the ideas are not growing in the younger generation, people of every countries, minorities, people that want to help the poor?
The person from another country can say, "Unleash the power." The person that wants to help the poor can say, "on behalf of the weak."
The true story is that Capitalism  is not picking up new followers. Many people think that Capitalism will fade in the United States like it has in Europe.
Harvard study has said that the people that are 18-29 has a 40% favorable view on Capitalism.
What explains the great gap between the great results of Capitalism and it popularity?
Why does Capitalism have became a "curse word"?
The defender of Capitalism has done a bad job explaining the greatness of this idea so the younger generation don't know the whole story. They don't share that it has saved many people from not dying from not having food.
There is an survey that 84% of the people in the United States don't know that fact of the great progress that Capitalism has done to help the world.
Two thirds have a thought that it has gotten worst and that is not true.
If you compare the results from Capitalism to Communism or Socialism, Capitalism has done better. 
We need a system that works while we are sleeping, foundation of human prosperity.
More Capitalism means more growth.
If you want to help the poor, promote Capitalism.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Can we trust the heart

I always hear, "trust your heart"
Can we burst into life?
If we bury not our desires?

I will be honest, my friend
I followed my heart
Then I did a shameful thing

Many of men believed they are good
They say love your wife
Then they cheated on her

Many women say they are honest
Business came around
They compromised their value

Have you said this will not happen?
Then you do the dreadful thing
So your heart is really good?

Hitler thought he did right
When he killed many of the Jews
So we all can be Hitler if not careful 

What can we trust and follow?
Mankind will deceive each other by heart
The Lord can purify that place

There is no truth outside of Bible and God
We must align our lives to Jesus
Then greatness will occur

If we exclude Jesus then bad
Bad things will happen
Do you do this in your life?

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Feeling that you are forgotten?

Have you felt that you are pointless and the world is walking on you? I have felt this way and you will read about the feeling that King David had. You can relate but we need to follow his path to the right direction.
Psalm 13 is for you, for all the people that feel distant and the politicians will not help you.
King David felt all alone so he want a song to the Lord and this could be the best song that ever been written.
Verse one says, "How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?"
David was living in a time when the Lord felt all alone. He was anointed king of Israel but the current king of that time was going to kill him so he felt like a wanted man. There are times when it seems the world will kill you and that God is near. God is always faithful and emotions can lie so if you feel this way, cry out to God.
Verse two says, "How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?"
David fought against sorrow in his heart. Life doesn't always seem fair and God want us to be honest. David was East Coast honest. God is big enough to handle our emotions. Tell God your sad emotions and there is the beginning of healing. 
It seemed that the people that wanted to kill was winning. Christians that live in a Muslim controlled or Buddhist controlled countries can be treated with a harsh hand and feel alone. They face death many times.
Even in the United States, the culture will attack Bible believing people and it is a cool thing to do.    
There are times when people of faith have been put in the list of terrorist before.
It is always seems that the people that hate faith in Jesus will always win.
Verse three and four says, "Look on me and answer, Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death,  and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,” and my foes will rejoice when I fall."
King David was at the end of the struggle with the possibility of death.  He realized that God was his only hope. God allows hard times so we can know that God is our only deliverance. 
Many people wanted King David to be dead.
There are groups that want to kill all the Christians in the Middle East. There are groups in India that want Christians to be killed. There are groups in the United States that want the church to be ended because they took a stand on gay marriage. They planted people in the churches so they could have the IRS tax exemption taken away and the media slanders the church all the time.
Verse five says, "But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation."
David knew that God was real and the he would be safe because he in the Lord's hand. We must know that, too.
In the end of the day, no matter if the government, group and other entity are after a person of faith. The truth is God will protect the person of faith.
Verse six says, "I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me."
King David was feeling good, again. The secret is that he took his emotions to God and he was happy again.
I have learned this from my friends that needs to talk about something a couple days then after all the talking, the issue will be better.
We need a good friend to talk to and God is our best friend.
Do you know the Lord? Talk to Him. 
If you don't like the Bible or God then see that God is good. We all need Jesus and I pray that you will realize that someday.
Have a good day! 

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Taxes are killing small business

No matter where you come from. What your job is or where you stand in politics, you have to pay taxes.
The government needs taxes to pay for schools, firefighters, and the military.
There are many types of taxes like income taxes, payroll taxes, and sales taxes. Individuals will pay taxes but companies pay taxes, too. Companies pay income taxes, too.
Corporation pays the US Corporation tax rate which is 35 percent. The highest in the developed world.
Ireland and Switzerland pays under 25 percent Corporation tax rates. This helps a competitive advantage.
There is another tax group that we are forgetting. We need to include small businesses.
There are 29 million in the United States and they employ 56 million people. They are 85 million people that depend on small businesses.
Small business are set up in sole proprietorship, partnerships or S-Corp.
Their taxes are not taxed at the Corporate rate but individual income to the owner that is why you might hear them called as "pass-throughs."
The small business can pay up to 40 percent in taxes and this does not include sales taxes and local taxes.
Small business are getting taxed higher than the big companies. Small business are getting taxed more in the United States more than any developed country in the world.
Why should you care?
High taxes hurt some business to grow and expand. They are forced to raise prices and maybe to trim jobs to remain in their budgets.
If someday that taxes are lowered for small business, growth of small businesses which helps with more jobs and boost the economy.
Here is an interesting fact, 2/3 of new jobs come from small business.
Lowering taxes can have a big effect on the economy for all Americans.
The next time, you hear about someone that want increase tax rates on businesses. Remember the small business that will be affect with the 85 million people that depend on these small businesses.