Saturday, April 8, 2017

Society values

Society values

Values are pushed in the schools
Media promote the chic trends
The bends of the wicked desires

Man doing right in their eyes
No fear of the Lord
Giving him a finger

Transgenderism issue a hot topic
States teaches this to kids in Elementary Schools
Many parents don't have a problem with it

Darker as the Lord Jesus soon return
People love is growing cold
I can feel judgement of Sodom going to the United States

Homosexuality is a cool thing in movies
Trying to make it normal
Brain washing the culture

They claim gays are happy
But they kill themselves more
The society buys the lies

The idea of no wrong is promoted
The cities government wonder why school shootings
The issue is that kids don't believe in right or wrong

The common cure is the Lord
He knows man the best
But we have our pride

If there is no foundation
Then a person will slip
Prime example the culture

Are you built on the rock of Jesus?
Or the sand of the pop theory?
The pop theory is quick sand

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