Saturday, April 8, 2017

Commentary about Socialism

There are many people in the younger generation that wanted Bernie Sanders. They loved the idea of Socialism. I will write about Felipe Moura's thoughts. What this makes this powerful is that he is from Brazil and he is a journalist for Veja Magazine.
He thinks that his country was hurt by Socialism according to Felipe. He believed that Brazil was growing well in the early 2000's, the government enacted economic and monetary reforms divested from state-run companies giving more private companies to breathe. Inflation was dramatically reduced and many foreign investors put their money into Brazil.
Everyone was excited about the future but according to Felipe, the economy is messed up. The unemployment and debt are huge. Powerful politicians are being investigated in fraud and corruption.
This what happened in the year of 2002, a Socialist  Politician named Lula Da Silva wanted to be the president. He gave a face-lift of Socialism to the crowd.
Lula was supposed to heal national divisions and unite everyone. He had an nickname called, "Luluinha paz e amor", which means little Lula peace and love.
But the old message about the need for income redistribution to decrease inequality was still there.
The media, academic elite and famous people promised the common people that it would be better if the rich gave their money to the poor, so the poor could be richer.
The issue was that the poor didn't get richer but Lula and his friends.
Felipe believes it got worst under Dilma Rouseff. The Socialist increased government spending, deficits and debts, they called it stimulus thing.
They increased the Minimum Wage and increased spending on social programs and they called these things, "Social Justice."
They increase the salary and benefits of the civil service and called it, "investing in the future."
They handed out thousands of jobs in the government and their friends that had companies that were connected to the government leaders. This was called, "Good Governance."
It worked for a little bit because Socialism always works at the beginning. The spending kept going up and everything went down hill.
Government spending was four times more than tax revenue.
The economy shrank 3.8% in 2015, the worst result in 25 years. A world bank survey found Brazil economy to be one of world's worst.
Brazil became the 16th worst place to open a business and 60th worst place to register property.
Plus, the 12th worst place for complexity of paying of taxes.
Brazil has Socialism and it still have issues with murder and robbery. Brazil has a bad educational system and bad health care.
People that live in the Brazil are jealous of the people in the United States. The poor classes can get out of the poor class but currently, the poor class still in the poor class in Brazil.
There is a trend in Brazil now that promotes Capitalism and limited government.
The man that promoted Socialism in Brazil named Lula. He is being charged with corruption, involvement in a criminal organization, influence-peddling, money laundering and obstruction of Justice.
Brazil impeached Dilma in 2016 for falsifying the government's fiances and  illegally using money from state-owned banks to run the government.
The new government is to freeze federal spending, reduce the government role in state-owned companies and to encourage some of the massive federal workforce to resign.
No one knows if this will work, it might take years to recover the economy of Brazil. Socialism didn't helped Brazil.

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