Monday, January 25, 2016

Today's Judaism compared to Christianity

There are many reasons why many Jews are Gospel resistant. In today's Judaism here are three common teachings.
1) Contrasts between Christianity and Judaism.
2) Religious Jews teach that Jesus is not the Messiah.
3) Religious Jews teach that it is a sin to go to church and read the New Testament.

I will go teach you what many Jews are taught and believe.
They say that they believe in one God and perceive that Christians believe in three gods.
They only believe in the Old Testament/Tanakh (the Tanakh is the five books of Moses, the Prophets, and Historical books.)
Many Jews believe in the Human Messiah so they have missed on the Divine Messiah.
Many Jews look for the Messiah that is the King Messiah Political but they missed out on the suffering Messiah then King.
They worship on Saturday and many Christians worship on Sunday.
Many Jews pray with head coverings and Christians pray with head uncovered.
Many Jews pray from Book/Siddur and Christians pray from the heart.
Many Jews believe salvation is earned by works and in Christianity it is based by faith and grace.
In today's Judaism, life after death is uncertain. In Christianity, life after death is clear.
In today's Judaism, they pray for the dead. In Christianity, if death occurs then there is no second chance.
In today's Judaism, they teach that man is born sin free. In Christianity, man is born with a sinful nature.

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