Friday, January 29, 2016

Listen to me, my Muslim friend

The doctrine of Incarnation was not limited to Christianity only, but we see Islam supported that doctrine very clearly, confirming that the Spirit of God had became flesh, saying:"Then We sent to her Our Spirit that presented Himself to her as a man without fault (a perfect man)" (Mary 17).
The Qur'an stresses that the Spirit of God became in fashion as a "perfect man," teaching that the act of becoming a man on the part of God's Spirit was something easy. Is God's Spirit different from God? When Muslim scholars failed to understand the person of the Holy Spirit, they insisted that the Spirit of God is the angel of God. But the Qur'an itself clearly proves the existence of clear distinction in the identities between angels and the Spirit of God, saying: "In it the angels and the Spirit descend." (Power 5)
If the Spirit was an angel, the verse would not have clearly distinguished between them; in making that clear distinction, the Qur'an confirms what the Bible teaches, that the angels are God's creatures and not God's Spirit, who is of the very self of God. We should not take lightly the Person of God's Spirit by making Him equal to created beings such as the angels of whom the Bible says that they are not the Spirit of God but servants; on the other hand, God's Spirit is the creating Spirit.
Therefore, an angel is an angel, but the Spirit of God is the Spirit of God, who is the essence of God.
If the Almighty God is able to do anything, what can prevent Him from becoming flesh to save the human race that He so loved? The Qur'an teaches that Christ is of the spirit of God, who, in order to preserve His purity and holiness, used a miracles virgin birth, befitting His becoming a perfect man, and testifies exclusively of Christ perfection. How clear could it be? Here the Qur'an is giving us a positive and a well knitted answer, with no doubt in it, confirming the doctrine of Becoming;i.e, God became flesh in the person of Christ.
How could people deny such a divine truth, which is very clearly revealed to men?

John 1:14

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

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