Wednesday, January 20, 2016

My muslim friend, the Word of God

When some contemporary Muslims interpreters heard  that Christ is the Word of God, they objected saying: "Christ is a word among other words of God. They say, "here means a command, Christ was born "by God's command." This interpretation is a gross and intentional misleading and clearly wrong in form and in essence, which  is something that confirms the wisdom of the Qur'an verse that urges their prophet, saying: "if thou art in doubt...ask those who recited the Book before you (I.e., the Christians)." (Jonah 94)
Oh, that the Muslims follow the Qur'an advice, instead of attacking the Bible and people of the Bible, and they should learn from them the real meaning of the spiritual issues. When you read (Women 171), you will find that Jesus is "His Word", and you will understand that the statement in House of Imran 45 did not come to contradict the principles of the verse in Women 171.
Moreover, the statement in that verse did not focus on a process of "commanding the birth" but rather, it focused on the very identity of the person of Christ.
The Qur'an must have expressed it in that fashion in order to stress the fact that Christ is God's Word. Christ is distinguished in the Qur'an  above all the prophets, not only by His great and mighty works, which no other man could even come close to accomplishing, but also by the sublime distinctive that  were given exclusively to Him. Some of these attributes were, "The Word of God" and :the Spirit of God" (Women 171, House of Imran 45). If Christ is the Word of God and His spirit, therefore, He is divine and eternal, for the Spirit of God and His Word are integral parts of God and cannot be separated from Him. The Spirit of God and His Word are of His very Self; therefore, Christ is by necessity of the Godhead, from the beginning.

John 1:2

  He was with God in the beginning.

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