Saturday, July 18, 2020

Live an sad world

I live in an sad world. We need to treat women with respect. 1 Timothy 5:2 says, "Older women as mothers, younger sisters, in all purity." I really don't want to talk about the Commercial Sex Industry. I feel the Lord is wanting me to.

There were people that didn't have an job because of the Covid-19 issue. There were many women that felt pressured to to use "commercial sex" to make ends meets. There were pimps/traffickers offering to provide employment.

Tech has increased greatly within the last ten years. Man is sinful. Psalm 14:3 says, "All have turned away, all have become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one." We are sinners and we will misuse sex.

Producers of the sex industry are making bank because of Covid-19. We are sinful and love sin. These producers know that as fact so there are much free porno videos on the internet.

There is an trend called "sex camming". It is making porn from home using an camera.  There are one site that has sixty-nine percent increase of sign-ups.  Many people are thinking about making this as an job, making porn at home. We live in an sad world.

The rapid use of porn will make people hire hookers for their pleasure. Sin will trap people. The person that is addicted to sex and the one that is in the sex industry. We must seek the Lord and not give into sin.
James 4:7 says, "Submit yourself therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

I will tell you about women. They need to be honored and respected. In the sex trade and porn industry, they are objects and not people. There are many people want women rights, they are not taken an stand against the sex trade/porn. There are sexual abuse while porn is made. Women are degrading in the sex trade and porn. 

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