Monday, October 23, 2017

Gender Identity: What is the confusion?

It's okay for a man to hit a woman. A mixed-martial club allowed when it allowed Fallon Fox, a biological male, to fight as a woman because he identifies as one.
The consequence of this decision? He fight a woman and he hurt her so bad that she had to go to the ER room. There were major damaged to hurt woman and she said, "I never felt so overpowered before." The interesting thing is that the man that identify as a female knockout a trained woman fighter.
A couple decades ago, if a man hit a woman so hard that she went to the ER, he would have been sent to jail. Today the culture will allow a man to get paid for it. If he says that he is a woman.
The culture will tell students and everyone else that males and females are the same.
This idea has people begin to think that men and women are not born men or women.
The culture will push the idea that they are whatever gender they say are.
Facebook has 50 types of genders to pick from. Here is a quiz? What is a Demi-boy?
I don't know either.
The idea that gender-identification is now a personal sounding choice might sound enlightened to some, but it's actually a very anti-scientific view of the essential fact of life.
Man and woman based on science are different. Their brains are different. Their hormones are different.  Their chromosomes are different. Here is the most obvious one, their bodes are different.
No amount of peer-reviews papers from gender studies can change this.
But this will not stop the progressives elites from the colleges, media, many of the biggest companies down to the high schools and elementary schools.
The result will be this. Women will pay an especially high price. The argument that men and women are the same will hurt women because everything will be based on a man standard or to be more of a woman, she has to be more of a man. She will need the desire to have causal sex like a man.
She will serve in the combat like a man. She will to purse a career like a man as a single-minded towards that career. There are exceptions.  But most women are not seeking or wanting causal sex, don't have the physical strength of men and don't share the priority to work as men do.
It is interesting that now science is telling as that men and women are different.
Your grandma is right when she preached that men and women are different and science confirms that now.
The sad thing that there is no room for science for stores like Target and Toy'R'Us because toys are not in sections of boys and girls but one. Or many school districts can't call the little ones boys or girls but students. There are big movements to make everything co-ed in colleges like the dorms or bathrooms. For the people that struggle with transgenderism, we should not mock them and help them because people are trapped in all types of sin.
The culture will fire you, if you use the wrong pronoun. There is a chance that you will be in court if you use a wrong pronoun. In combat sports, it can lead to woman getting beat up by a man.
Apparently, this is a small price to pay in a world where we must all genuflect to political correctness.
Going back to the woman that got hurt by a man that identify as a woman, she knew that she had to be politically correct. She craved into the fear of the culture and she said, "I can't answer it's because she was born a man because I am not a doctor." Everyone knows the difference from within.
The magazine called Vice Magazine had no heart towards to beaten women because Vice said, "biology sex is not black or white." But in virtually every instance, it is.
The longer we allow the obvious to go unstated and undefended, the worst it will be. For boys and girls and men and women.
The sexes are different. We said marvel at it and enjoy it. Men can learn from women and women can learn from men because of their unique mind sets.
I don't have a mind of a woman and never will but I ask my friends that are women and many times, they will have an amazing view point that as a male, I would never come up with.    


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