Monday, June 5, 2017

The Paris Climate Agreement Won't Change The Climate

There are much noise about the Paris Climate Agreement and it is always in the news.
They have 178 countries that signed this agreement in 2016.
Laurent Fabius, the French Foreign Minister called it a Historic turning point.
Gina McCarthy, the head of the EPA, in the committee on Science, Space and Technology.
Her statement was this, "the Paris Agreement was an incredible achievement."
There were questions about how much will this treaty reduce global temperatures?
She would not or could not say. It seems like a big bark and not bite in this agreement.
The cost of this agreement is great but reduce very little to reduce global warming.
I will look at the Obama plan on the Clean Power Plan. This plan will accomplish nothing.
If the United States did the Paris Climate Agreement and Clean Power Plan until 2100.
The temperature increase reduction would be only 0.023 percent.
If the United States did what Obama wants, it would postpone global warming by 8 months at the end of the century.
 Let's assume all the carbon cuts according the Paris Climate Agreement are met and sustained to 2100. The temperature would dropped by 0.3 degrees. The same as postponing global warming for four years.
Again, this is using the UN's own Climate Prediction Model. These little results are not free.
The cost of the Paris Agreement will be up in 1 to 2 trillion dollars every year, the numbers are from the Stanford Energy Modeling Forum and the Asia Modeling Exercise.
Let me break it down. We will spend at least 100 trillion dollars to reduce the temperature by the end of the century by the great number of 0.3 degrees.
Still some people that support this will say, "its real impact on temperature will be greater then what the UN model will predicts."
This is based on wishful thinking. The Climate Action Tracker which many will quote. They think 1.6 degree reduction by the end of the century. This prediction is assuming that even stronger climate policy will be part in practice in the future.
98% of the assumption will occur of the year of 2030. The Paris Agreement will only get to 1% of the 2 degrees target.
99% are put off until the year of 2030. The Paris Agreement is the wrong solution to a real problem.
Bill Gates have an other idea in Breakthrough. Bill gates announced that private investors are committing 7 billion dollars for clean energy R&D.      
Instead of big government and the popular ideas that we hear in common talk.
Those who want to combat Climate Change should focus on boosting Green Energy Innovation.
The United States has reduce the cost of natural gas which means people will use natural gas instead of coal. It has lowered CO2 emission better the big government policies.
Maybe the leaders in Paris, France should meet at Paris, Texas. Have a great night.

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