Thursday, October 20, 2016

Late term abortion

There is an hot button topic and it is called Late Term Abortion. This topic is always mentioned in debates. The last presidential debates, Trump was calling out Clinton for her support on Late Term Abortion.  We need to look at what is Late Term Abortion.
People don't know much about this issue.
I will examine how Late Term Abortion works. A women that receive Late Term Abortion will do it on the third trimester. The baby in the womb has grown much in the mother's womb.
If the woman is okay with this process then the clinic will use an sharp object and put it in the mother's womb and cut a leg of the baby. Then the clinic will cut the other leg until the baby's body is taken from the womb.
If the government takes a person and cut of the leg of a person then the other leg. There would be many angry people. Or if a person cuts people in pieces, that person would be put in prison.
The issue is many people will vote for Clinton that promotes this type of abortion.
Many people say that they like kids but they support people like Clinton.
We need to examine where are hearts are at. Have a great day!

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