Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Messianic Prophecy, My Jewish Friend Part Four

Many Jews will say that Isaiah 53 was about Israel and not Jesus. I will begin in Isaiah 53:1 is written in the singular, Isaiah 53:1 says, "The arm of the Lord." In the first part of Isaiah 53:2 says, "He grew up; He has no stately form. The second part of Isaiah 53:2 says, "That we should look upon him; that we should be attracted to him." This is plural.
The first part of Isaiah 53:3 says, "He was despised; a man of sorrows; like one from whom men hide; He was despised." This is singular and it is Jesus and not Israel.
The first part of Isaiah 53:4 says, "He himself bore; He carried; Him stricken. This is singular. Jesus is perfect and he completed the Hebrew Scriptures. The second part of Isaiah is plural. Isaiah 53:4 says, "Surely our griefs; our sorrows; we ourselves esteemed."  The Jews and non-Jews have sin and we need forgiveness from the Lord.
Isaiah 53:5 in the first part says, "He was pierced; He was crushed: fell upon Him; by His scourging." The sins were laid upon Jesus upon the cross. The second part of Isaiah 53:5 says, "For our transgressions; for our iniquities; the chastening for our well-being; we are healed." This is a plural form. We are humans are will die in sin but Jesus can forgive us because he was the perfect sacrifice for us.
The first part of Isaiah 53:6 says, "To fall on Him." This is singular and Israel never was perfect so they could never be the Messiah. The the second part of Isaiah 53:6 says, "All of us gone astray; each of us has turned to his own way; the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all." The Jews and non-Jews are sinners so we need to be redeemed.
Isaiah 53:7 says, "He was oppressed; He was afflicted; He did not open His mouth."
Jesus was oppressed and he didn't speak when he was on trial before he died on the cross.
The first part of Isaiah 53:8 says, "By judgement he was taken away; as for His generation He was cut off out of the land of the living." This is Jesus because only God is perfect and Jesus is God.
The second part of Isaiah 53:8 says, "For the transgression of my people for whom the stroke was due."
Israel never was perfect so they could not take away sin only the Messiah can do that.
Isaiah 53:9 says, "His grave was with the wicked; He was with a rich man in His death; He had bone no violence; nor was there deceit in His mouth." Israel had deceit in their lives so this could be only for Jesus.
Isaiah 53:10 says, "The Lord was pleased to crush him, putting him to grief; if he would render himself; He will see his offspring He will prolong his days; pleasure of the Lord prosper in his hand."
This is singular and Jesus could only fulfill this and not Israel.
Isiah 53:11 in the first part says, "As a result of the anguish of his soul; He will see it and be satisfied; by knowledge the Righteous One; My Servant; He will bear." This is singular and this is Jesus because Israel was never perfect.
The second part of Isaiah 53:11 says, "Justify the many; and he shall bear their iniquities." Israel has sinned so they need forgiveness. Jesus can and will redeem Israel.
The first part of Isaiah 53:12 says, "I will allot Him; He will divide; He poured out himself to death; He himself bore and interceded." This is singular and only the Messiah could have fulfilled this because Israel had number of sins so we must read the second part of Isaiah 53:12 says, "Was numbered with the transgressors; yet h bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
Jesus has redeemed Israel when he died on the cross so the Jews needs to acknowledge him.

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