Monday, April 25, 2016

God, my Muslim Friend

Christianity believes in one God. Christ expressed that basic faith clearly; but how could Christianity prove the existence of three Persons in  One God? People ask, How can you believe that there are three in one and one in three? The answer is, can you give me any thing in this cosmos that is not a Trinitarian, i.e., one in three and three in one? For our good and for our instruction, God has filled His creation with examples that can easily prove the fact of the Trinity. For example, the egg is made up of the egg shell, the egg white and the egg yoke. Every part of the egg distinguishes itself from the other two parts; however, it is impossible to say that the egg-white is the egg or the egg-yoke is the egg. For this reason, anyone who says that the shell, the white and the yoke are three eggs makes himself a mockery and an object of ridicule.
Therefore, examining the three parts of the egg, one will find that each of them has its own properties and the three are distinguishable parts; yet, they constitute one single and complete unit. This fact applies to all the living things that God has created such as the fruits and the vegetables which are constituted of the skin or the shell, the flesh and the core. Also, the sun teaches us an excellent lesson about the Trinity; it is constituted of the star itself, the light and the heat that emanate from it. The one cannot exist without the other and the one does not rob the others' properties; however, the three constitute one complete unit. The same applies to the basic thing in life; namely the atom which is composed of the proton, the neutron and the electron, three different parts but they make one unit. Why do people accept objects that God created plentifully around us, but they find it difficult to accept the fact that the One God is in three Persons? God does not create things by accident or haphazardly. He created things for our good and our instruction so that we may use our power of reasoning to understand.


John 5:43

 I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.

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