Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The history of Anti-Semitism

The Jews have a long history of Anti-Semitism.  I don't like saying this but this is the truth.
The church needs to love and support Israel but the early church didn't do what the Lord wanted for them.
You can read the history of the church having Anti-Semitism. I don't believe this was wise but history don't lie and doesn't represent the teaching of the Bible.
You can read the dialogue with Trypho and Justin Martyr, the era was 100-165 A.D.
The Didascalia; Hippolytus; Cyprian 200s A.D; Origen 185-254 A.D.;  Augustine; Council of Nicea 325 A.D.; Chrysostom 386 A.D., Tertullion, Gregory of Nyssa, Cyril of Jerusalem, Jerome; Romans Emperor Theodosius II 404-454 A.D.; the Theodosian Code.
I hope you enjoy history. You can do your own research.

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