Saturday, March 28, 2020

Coronavirus and our future. What is next?

Many places are closed to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. Some people agree with it and others do not. The government and people are doing their best with the current event of the issue of the Coronavirus.

I am in the middle with the Coronavirus. If you are concerned with Covid19 because they have spouses that have major health issues. I do not want to make light of the issues but there are other big issues that you need to know.

In the state of Washington, the Democrats passed "SeXX Education Reform" package. That package was signed by Governor Jay inslee, will mean that school children will be learning about sex, genitals, gender identity and sexual orientation next year.

Many concern parents didn't want the "SeXX Education Reform" package and pushed back. The media ignored them. I believe that many well-meaning parents do not know about this package.
We should not quit on this topic. We can still fight on this topic.

There is an initiative that needs 129,000 signatures to get on the ballot. If get the needed support, people could vote if they want they kids in public school be taught about genitals and gender identity.

I know the Coronavirus issue will slow the initiative down. I do not know there will be enough signatures the next three months. The state of Washington is staying-at-home now. I just want to pass some information on to you.

I hate to say this. The Democrats are pushing abortion on demand. The Democrats are pushing that kids should be taught that you can pick any gender you want.

When you vote, think about these ideas. I believe that the state of Washington should vote every Democrat out of office that promotes abortion and the "SeXX Education Reform" package.

Here is an link how to repeal the "SeXX Education Reform" package.

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