Friday, June 28, 2019

Culture Poem

Vulture poisoning idea Culture reject Jesus now Sculpture sins trends Proverbs 18:2 Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions.

Click on this video:

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Keep on walking

If a person ever goes on social media, Netflix or stream an show, they will see some ideas getting slandered. There was an time when people thought Biblical ideas were excellent but we do not live in these days.

I know that many people think that people that are Born-Again are liars. I desire to share God's truth and live it out. I know that I am not perfect but I ask the Lord Jesus to guide me.

Psalm 26:1-3
Vindicate me, Lordfor I have led a blameless life; I have trusted in the Lord and have not faltered.Test me, Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind; for I have always been mindful of your unfailing love and have lived in reliance on your faithfulness.

The culture views truth as nice words that don't mean much. People will say many concepts but they will not live it out. I am talking about people in general, they have no back-bone in their soul. I desire to be honest for the glory of the Lord.

I see many movements that are against the ways of the Lord and dislike the disregard of lifestyles that goes against the Bible. The culture will reject God's truth and promote sin.

It is easy to follow the crowd and people do not want to rock the boat. I think that when sin is promoted, people are more fearful of mankind than Jesus. This is an big trap for everyone. I ask the Lord to help me to be an God follower.

Psalm 26:4-7
I do not sit with the deceitful, nor do I associate with hypocrites. I abhor the assembly of evildoers and refuse to sit with the wicked. I wash my hands in innocence, and go about your altar, Lordproclaiming aloud your praise and telling of all your wonderful deeds.

I see many communities that will promote sickness and want people to join in.
The Seeker's Friendly Churches will crave in so they are like by that community.
I know that believers needs to get along with people but they should never compromise truth. 

When people do not want to honor God then they will honor sin. There are big movements 
that will promote sin and I refuse to acknowledge some ideas. I may be called a bigot or worst but I am okay with that.

If we have friendship with sinful ideas of the world then we hate God. Many churches and believers hate God because of lack of love for the truth. They will desire falsehood so people will say how great they are.

Psalm 26:8-11
Lord, I love the house where you live, the place where your glory dwells. Do not take away my soul along with sinners, my life with those who are bloodthirsty, in whose hands are wicked schemes, whose right hands are full of bribes. I lead a blameless life; deliver me and be merciful to me.

In an world that is fallen more in love with sin and wants people to celebrate their sins.
I will stand up for the truth even if the world calls me an idiot 

Psalm 26:12
My feet stand on level ground; in the great congregation I will praise the Lord.

Great video:

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Pride Month and Children in Drag

There was an story in the Daily Wire that was describing  a ten years old Canadian boy who was photographed and shown in Huck magazine. This ten years old boy was dressed in "drag"- hyper-exaggerated and overly-sexualized female make-up and clothing.
The boy has performed in a number of places-including at an night club. There is an image of this boy posing with an naked man- sporting high heels and a wig- who was the winner of "RuPaul's Drag Race" in Season Seven.

The Press was happy

This photo made many people sick to the stomach. There were many parents that felt that children should not be put in this situation. The truth is that the world and major media are pushing this "drag kids" agenda.

In January 2018, the Daily Mail featured a ten years old from New York who started "a drag club for Kids so they can express themselves in a "positive, encouraging and safe place"- four years earlier, the child appeared in drag in an online music video with adult drag queens.

In August 2018, CNBC lauded the same eleven years old boy as a "drag superstar and LGBTQ activist " in New York who "encourages LGBTQ youth to be themselves." Good Morning America promoted this same child three months later.

In October 2018, NBC News  Daily spotlighted a number of "Drag Kids" who appeared at an annual drag convention in New York where an adult drag performer billed them as "Baby Drag Artist"- and called for more young drag artists to celebrate and promote.

In Schools and Libraries 

The media is not the only outlet that is pushing "drag kids". The schools and libraries are also.
In California, the state passed The Fair (Fair, Accurate, Inclusive and Respectful) Education Act in 2011 which mandates inclusion of LGBTQ view points from K-12 textbooks. Textbooks with these view points are now being used in the educational system in California.
One series lessons introduced second graders to Jose Julio Sarria as a "Champion of Gay Rights",
who unsuccessfully ran for office in 1961. The children are instructed, "He told people that he was gay and sometimes dressed as a woman. He was the the person to do this when running for office.

Local libraries have hosted "Drag Queen Story Hour" events across the United States- from New York to Los Angeles and from Mobile to Milwaukee. Some of the performers openly mock Christians.
In Boston, a group of men dressed as nuns, calling themselves the" Sisters of of Perpetual Indulgences" read stories to the children.
At the Brooklyn Public Library, a performer known as "Reverend Yolanda," reads to the children.
At a Colorado Springs event, children were offered photos with the drag queens and invitations to kids' drag competition.

How should people of faith react?

People of faith hold on to the idea of the bibilcal and scientific thought that God made male and female in His image.
People of faith holds on to the notion that men and women are different but equally valuable.
If a person holds on to faith position, it is wrong to blur the line. That same person may think that
children should never be promoted to dress in "drag" by an "drag queen" or media.

To be humble:

As someone that struggles with masculinity and homosexuality, the believers needs to be reminded of their sins. Sin is present in this age, it is in sexuality outside of what God commands, business and much more. We all need to get right before the Lord and reject our sins. People need to ask Jesus to help us to hate their sins.


Follower's of Jesus can lack prayer. If a person feels threatened, then that person can call people names. A believer needs to pray that the person that is transgender or homosexual would get tired of their sins. The believer needs to pray that they would also hate their sins.

Educated and Equip:

Believers that have children can and had got educated and equipped. They need to get back to the basic of truth and the Bible. The culture and rejected truth but the parents needs to be solid in thoughts and actions. They should know what the Bible teaches and pass it on to their children.
Even an person don't have children, it is good to have an answer to the culture.

Kindly, truthfully, and courageously:

Rather than protecting their children, parents are exposing them to hyper-sexualized, distorted activities and performances. Rather than directing children toward embracing their bodily reality – kindly and without shame – parents are steering their children toward sexual brokenness and confusion. But I’m also disheartened by individuals who respond online with vicious, derogatory comments and name-calling. While academia and the media embrace and applaud sexual sin, Christians can respond clearly, courageously and kindly – without the insulting language and comments that are so prevalent on social media.

Great YouTube Video: