Monday, May 6, 2019

Are you concerned parents?

There was an bill named "SB 5602." I will informed you about this bill that was voted in the state of Washington. This bill is in the name of health care. I will talk about what is considered health care in this bill.

This is what Northwest Health Law Advocates are saying about this bill.

The Reproductive Health Care Access for All Act (RHAA) would be a step toward attaining reproductive health equity for Washingtonians. The bill (SB 5602), currently in Senate Rules after passing out of Senate Ways and Means, would provide coverage for immigrants who are currently ineligible for Medicaid, Affordable Care Act Qualified Health Plans, or “Take Charge,” the state’s Family Planning Program. The covered benefits are reproductive health services equivalent to those offered under Take Charge and include all FDA approved contraceptive methods. Enrollees must have income no greater than 260% of FPL, like Take Charge.
The bill also seeks to increase access for transgender and gender nonconforming individuals in the provision of reproductive health care through stronger nondiscrimination protections. The bill specifically prohibits automatic denials of coverage based on an individual’s gender marker. Last but not least, the bill also makes explicit that some provisions of the Reproductive Parity Act (RPA) SB 6219 passed last year, apply to student health plans.

I just watched on video about an rebuttal on this bill. There was an woman named Georgene statement on this bill on the YouTube channel called Family Policy of Washington. The video is called "Georgene's statement opposing SB 5602." Here is what she said. She is tired of the state sexualization and not given the parents to raise their children with their morals. She thinks that business should not be forced to pay for this, if they disagree with  this bill. In her thinking, she thinks that the state should respect people morals.
According to Georgene, parents do not understand that the public schools teaches and promote and council students about abortion, sex change and gender counseling without the parents knowing about it. And with the teaching of the state about abortion or sex change then the parents needs to pay for the operation.
According to Georgene, this is an agenda of the state of Washington furthering issues that will violate parent's rights and will force people to go against their consciences. This bill will require insurance to cover insurance to cover sex change operation. This bill promotes abortion on demand.
According to Georgene, the state is not an business owner or an parent. The state is forcing private schools to go along with this bill, even it goes against the school. Private schools should teach or promote ideas that goes against their teachings.
According to Georgene, many students are confused about sexuality and they will grow out of it. But this bill will have students to have sex changes and they can't go back. Go back to the student's original sex. The state is spreading the gospel of abortion, LGBQT and gender dysphoria. This bill will make individuals to compromise their belief system.  
I don't know what side of the fence that you are on this issue? If you do or do not like this bill, what politicians is voting for this bill? If you disagree with this bill and your rep is voting for this bill, then vote them out of office.

Click on the link below for an great video.

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