Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The truth about C02

I was researching the idea of Global Warming. There is a lot of talk about C02 on social media and on the street.  I was curious what Patrick Moore thought about this topic.

If you don't know who Patrick Moore is, he was the co-founder of Greenpeace.
He was and is still for the environment and science.

I was listening to one of his newer videos and I want to share what I learned.
He talked about an bad word. The bad word is Carbon Dioxide.  You must likely know it as C02, One element of Carbon and two elements of Oxygen.
Patrick talked about the idea that if we as mankind keep on pumping more of in the atmosphere, we will increase the temperate.
According to Inter-government Panel of Climate Change says that C02 emissions from fossils fuels are 85% of energy most be reduced to zero by 2100.

Moore had an interesting idea. He said that all life is based on Carbon. We get carbon that life needs by C02 in the atmosphere.  What was burned for energy in the forms of coal, oil and natural gas was originally taken from the atmosphere from the ocean and plants there we get coal, oil and natural gas.
Fossil foals are 100% organic are produced by solar energy from the sun.

If they were no Carbon Dioxide on the earth then the planet would be dead. That is what is called catastrophic climate change. An interesting note is that the EPA will say that C02 is an pollute.
Even if it is an key to life on earth.

How can what make life possible be bad? People always play word games, so I will be direct with you. We have heard of carbon emissions. C02 is not carbon. C02 is colorless and odorless gas that life depends on.

People will ask if we can have too much of C02, and the answer is yes in theory. Many climate alarmist are saying that we have too much of C02. They are claiming that C02 levels are getting to high. Are they right?

Patrick Moore says that C02 has been in the atmosphere  in the past than the present age.
Science has shown that C02 have been ten times higher in the past than today.
We are living in a low carbon dioxide era.

The Optimum level of C02 for plant growth is four to five times what is found in the current earth's
atmosphere. Do you know that people that grow food in greenhouses will increase C02 in their warehouses so give boost to their plants. The more C02 in the atmosphere will help forest growth and increase food production.  Increasing food production is important soon we will have to feed 10 billion people on the planet Earth soon.

C02 will make the earth greener and do you want more food and an greener world?

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