Saturday, October 6, 2018

I am for the Environment but don't believe in man-made Climate Change

Everything is politics now in the over-done social media world. People and politicians talks about Climate Change and people are afraid. I think that people should abandon the idea of man-made Climate Change and science should abandon the idea but we need to take care of the earth.
Now, you might think that I have gone crazy.

We as an society should not hold on to ideas that are not factual. We should make policy based on good science but at the same time, we need to take care of the earth.

I will break this down for you and many of you will think that I have lost my mind. I am coming from my view point.

Climate Change is an huge topic and many people have made their mind up based on only hearing one side of the story. I have research this topic and this is what I believe.

I will talk about the first idea. Is the earth getting warmer? Sort of there was an warming trend that existed in much of 20 century. The warming trend stop in 1998. Many politicians and activists claim
that CO2 causes global warming.

Research shows that the raise of CO2 happened after the earth temperature started raising. This shows man-made or not, do not caused the warming after all.

Two major changes in the climate has changed over the last thousands years. The Medieval Warm Period in 1250 and the Little Ice Age in 1650. And this was before the Industrial Revolution in 1800.
This means the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age happened before the Industrial Revolution.

For me, it seems that Climate Change happens naturally. Climate physics links fluxing solar outputs to earth temperature.

Should responsible people blame themselves for Climate Change. Science has not ruled out man can play a very small part of the problem but factors beyond man drives to most to all Climate Change.
But it does matter that we take care of earth.

In my thought, we should take care of the environment not because our failures may destroy the earth but God has placed man on earth. We need to take care of the creation.

Again, I think that we should make things more  recyclable and not throw away as much garbage as we do now. We need care for the planet like the Lord take care of us. But the CO2 idea in popular culture is not good science.

As an Christian, I am being respectful to you and nice. We need to enjoy God and the things that God has made. Romans 1:20 says, "through the things that have been made."

I will claim this verse for my life and honor the Lord over the earth so I will be wise in my living.
We need not put oil down the drain, not throw away as much garbage, and many more things.

Genesis 1:26

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

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