Friday, March 2, 2018

A new feminism in the twenty-first Century

There is a new feminism in the twenty-first century. There are three words that are in this movement: dignity, the word no and men.
Tammy Bruce was very involved in the feminist movement and she was on the board of the National Organization of Women. 
She is happy that there were some changes that had occurred but she is also sad because guilt because it has caused a lot of damage in the culture.
Tammy Bruce want to reverse the damaged that has happened.
Her thought on the first pillar of the new feminism is dignity. She believes that dignity is the core of what feminism is all about. And also, a women can clearly choose her own  path in life. 
That was once feminism once held on to but it has changed now.
If you ask any young, female college student what she want to be. She will say that she want to be an  lawyer, journalist or doctor but she will most likely say not an mother or wife.
Many people in the feminist movement will get mad at women that want a man and he be the head then the feminist will say that it is sexist, offensive, embarrassing and anti-feminist.
According to Tammy Bruce, a new feminism will value and respect all responsible choices.
Tammy Bruce thinks that the feminist movement  now are encouraging women to act like men.
Is a women free if she can have causal sex like many men and really don't care? That's was new feminism aspires to?  The answer is yes in the modern culture.
The new feminism has downplay the desire for women to have a family and hyped the reward of a career and causal sex.
This leads to many unhappy women when they do this and become very sad in the distant future.
According the Tammy Bruce, the second pillar of the new feminism is the word no.
It is connect to the first pillar.
There is an power in the word "no." In the past, the feminist movement didn't want women to be treated as an sex object, now you see women are more of an sex object and it is increasing.
You see this in the Music Videos, signs and in the "hook-up" culture on college campuses.
Many teenager girls are pursing teenage boys for only sex, now days. How did that happened?
It is because feminism began to preach that women should act like men. The new feminism preach that whatever men did, and however they did it, that's what women should do.
These feminist are angry at men but want to act like men so wonder why the culture is messed up.
The women are robbing themselves to say "no." Women should take the the word "no" back.
Young women and every women need to have this idea. I will not be defined by anyone else.
To go deeper and clearer, not by the modern day feminist and men's sexual desires.
That is female power.
The third pillar of the new feminist movement is men.
Many modern day feminist forget about this. Men give up their monopoly on voting and allowed women to vote.
It was men that invented the refrigerator. It was men that invented the washing machine. And other products that help woman and mankind.
The modern culture like to say that men and women basically the same and that they are socialize differently.
George Orwell, who lived from 1903-1950, said, "That's an idea that only an intellectual would be foolish enough to believe."
Men and women need each other. Women civilized men.
Tammy Bruce thinks and believes that women needs to preserve dignity, not to be afraid of using the word "no", and see men as partners not as competitors or as oppressors.
That should be the new Feminism to replace the current one and to improve the current issues that men and women have.
Happy Women's History Month! 

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