Friday, July 14, 2017

The greatest President ever JFK? Was he a Democrat?

This guy was one of the most popular presidents ever, he was handsome. He was a war hero and he believed that the United States needed a strong military was needed for peace in the world.
He believed that cutting taxes were the best way to grow the economy of the United States.
He opposed racial quotas and he hated unrestricted abortion.
Do you know his name? And he was not a Republican.  His name was John F. Kennedy.
When he was running for office in 1960, he was a mainstream Democrat.
The name of Kennedy is beloved in the Democrat party but Democrats hates his political positions.
Ronald Regan was the 40th President of the United States was a Democrat most of his life.
He said, "I didn't leave the Democratic Party but the party left me."
If Kennedy was alive now, what party would be Kennedy? Would he still be a Democrat?
JFK hated the idea of using racial preference and quotas so he would be against the current Democrats now. Affirmative Action is very Democratic. Kennedy that this idea was counter-productive.
He would say this about Affirmative Action and he would not like it. He said, "I don't think we can undo the past now. We have to the best we can now."
He said, "I don't think quotas are a good idea, we are too mixed, this society of ours to begin divide ourselves on the base of race or color."
Kennedy was a fan of across the board tax-cuts. He thought people should keep their money and not give to the government. He thought even the rich people should keep their money.
He said, "A tax cut means higher family  income and higher business profit."
With the idea that Kennedy had, families would have more money for themselves to provide for their families.
He believe that business that were not taxed as much would grow better. He thought too many taxes on business would hurt growth.
Russia built a weapon plant in Cuba, he was going to use military. The Cuban Missile Crisis happened and Russia backed down.
Reagan and Kennedy believed in peace with strength and not strength with peace.
He said this, "Only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt that they never be employed."
Kennedy believed that people should have gun rights. He was a member of the IRA and he was a Democrat. He wanted people to have guns.
Kennedy was against abortion.  He picked a pro-life judge on the Supreme Court that didn't want Roe vs. Wade. The judge name was Byron Rehnquist. He opposed the idea in Japan that promoted Abortion to control the population.
He said, "On the question of limiting population: As you know, the Japanese have been doing it very vigorously, though abortion which I think would be repugnant to all Americans."
If Kennedy the greatest Democratic President lived today, he would be a conservative.

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