Monday, July 31, 2017

I was voting

Voting time is here
We have chance to raise taxes
And it made me think

Jesus said we need to be faithful in small things
If we are good in the small then we will be large
But the government is the king of waste

People want an promotion at their job
But they will not work hard
They fail to understand Jesus

People want good friendships
But they are a one way street
And they are all alone

We vote in life by our actions
If we don't do the little things
Don't expect the big things

The culture is becoming lazy
We need to get uncomfortable
And rely on God for strength

He will guide us and we look to Him
Faithfulness comes from following Jesus
I hope my country will learn this

Sunday, July 30, 2017

People are not good so we need to rely on this

There are governmental programs that are start up to help people but they really don't help anyone.
It seems that today that people are more concerned with their image and not others.
More people don't trust each other. I will examine what people should rely on.
I will look at Psalm 12.
Let's look at the first verse. It says, "Help, Lord, for no one is faithful anymore; those who are loyal have vanished from the human race."
I have said this lately to my Lord when I pray. It seems that people are in love with their sins and forget other people. I don't think that anyone is really faithful because sin will limit you as a person.
The cultures have increased in sinning so the culture is in lack and I am including the people that are supposing following the Lord Jesus.
I will look at the second verse. It says, "Everyone lies to their neighbor; they flatter with their lips but harbor deception in their hearts." 
The world is in a post-Christian world so truth are just nice words that mean nothing. We say things to make people happy but we don't back it up.  We say that we love but we have no foundation.
We say that we love truth and we allow people to be happy. We really don't believe that in the world and in the church. The church don't make a stand on marriage between a man and woman alone.
The church don't make a stand on the issue on men in women locker room because they fear the culture. The church don't really believe the Bible so they will water it down.
I will examine verses three and four. They say, "May the Lord silence all flattering lips and every boastful tongue—those who say, 'By our tongues we will prevail; our own lips will defend us—who is lord over us?”
The Lord will bring down the prideful thought of mankind and He is not playing around. If a person is pushing something that goes against the Bible, God will judge that person.  That person may not he will be trouble but he will be in trouble after he dies. That person needs to get right with Jesus.
I will save you heartache, give up sin and follow the Lord.
I will examine verse five. It says, "Because the poor are plundered and the needy groan, I will now arise,” says the Lord.  “I will protect them from those who malign them.”
The poor are mistreated by the governments in the world including in the United States and the needy are not getting the true help in this world. God will do the best job and we must keep on praying for a movement of God and not works from secular governments. 
It will examine verse six. It says, "And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver purified in a crucible, like gold refined seven times."
People will listen to many podcasts and really don't know what is true. You can go on Youtube and get really confuse. If you go to the Bible, there is truth. We can grow as a person and culture if we embrace the Jesus and the Bible.
I will examine verses 7-8. They say, "You, Lord, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked, who freely strut about when what is vile is honored by the human race."
The Lord will keep the needy safe because he loves. There are people that think the baby in the womb are just a blob. That is not true. He loves the unborn. He looks over the needy in the womb. 
God will judge the people and group that promote abortion.  People brag now but they will cry when they will see God face to face. But I have good news. We can turn from our sins and go to Jesus. He loves you but He is fair.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Government can't fix healthcare

Why is the government so bad at healthcare? They had worked on it for 75 years and so don't know what they are doing. The care is expensive and the access is okay. It is also made in bureaucracy. It has a lot of waste within the system. Then Obamacare was supposed to fixed all the issues. The sad news is that healthcare didn't get better. Why?
The government is a third party payer. Let say a person will buy something. The person will look at price and quality. A person wants the highest quality with the lowest price. If a person looks for a tablet then only the person buying knows what they want so there a competitive market for the person's money.
The first party purchase  is this research then choice. The person paying is the person using.
If someone is paying for someone else. The person buying wants a good price but the quality may not as good. It could be a wedding a gift. A person could say, "By the time it breaks, they will forget who give it to them." This person wanted a good price but will not use the product so it could be lackluster.
We can use something but not going to pay for it. This is called second party purchases.
 The person paying is not  the person using.
If you are not paying for it or using it then you are not concerned about the price or quality.
Let's say that your boss gives you 200 bucks for a prize. You buy a 8 foot frog for the winner at the party.
And everyone laughs at the prize. This is called a third party purchase.
A purchase with money that's not yours to buy something that you will not use.
All government purchases are third party purchases.  The government will spend other people money that they will not consume. The government does not care about the price or quality.
There will always be waste in governmental spending.  President Lincoln said, "Government should do only those things that a man can't do better for  himself."
If 300 million people in the United States were able to buy health insurance like life insurance, then the companies will offer a little more coverage for a little less cost.
The healthcare field would be working to get people money so the quality would improved and the cost would go down.
The lazer eye surgery used to 2,000 dollars and now it cost 500 dollars. That's the way free enterprise competition works every time.  
When the government get involved in the healthcare. Cost goes up and waste and fraud increases.
Some services will be denied or unavailable. This what happens within governmental healthcare programs within this world.   When healthcare becomes a first person payer then they will get the healthcare that they want.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Over the top

Love brings it over the top
I have been reborn
So my light will be known

A man on piece of wood
That changed my life
I desire to befriend like Him

I like to make treats and cook
For people to show love to everyone
It shows the heart

Jesus prepares better food
Better than me because He
Will bring true peace and joy

I like to listen to people
If they have issue I am there
It makes me sad when I can't help

Jesus is all powerful the Lord
He will heal a broken heart
Why I came to Him

I have my limitations
I will fail everyone
I don't try but it will happen

Jesus will never fail you
Put your all in the relationship
He is the Show Stopper

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Where to go when we are in trouble

I love the book of Psalms because it shows the heart of God. I think it is beautiful when a man writes a love poem or song to his wife. David wrote from his heart to God. David was a great writer and the Holy Spirit led him to write Psalm 11.
I love the first verse of this Psalm. It reads, "In the Lord I take refuge." I want to be a friend to people and I can go over the top but the Lord will do ever more than I could.
The second part of verse one to three talks about the people that are against the Bible and God and they will attack the work of God. It could be even people that really don't care about God.
It seems that the people that hate God and the people that are indifferent with God are winning and it causes many believers to be sad. I try to encourage them but it seems that I am losing the battle. 
These words are strong. Psalm 11:1-3 says, "How then can you say to me: 'Flee like a bird to your mountain. For look, the wicked bend their bows; they set their arrows against the strings
to shoot from the shadows at the upright in heart. When the foundations are being destroyed,  what can the righteous do?”
I have great news. I may fail to bring justice in this world but God will never fail. 
Psalm 11:4 says, "The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne.
He observes everyone on earth; his eyes examine them."
God is still in control. People can use words and do their best but put your faith in Jesus.
Remember that God is in control.
People think that they can do all the sin but God will see all their sins. That person is making a grave to hell if they don't repent. The Lord will guide a believer that belongs to him.
Psalm 11:5-6 says, "The Lord examines the righteous, but the wicked, those who love violence, he hates with a passion. On the wicked he will rain fiery coals and burning sulfur; a scorching wind will be their lot."
The person that have accepted Jesus and the person that rejects Jesus, all want justice. The justice that will be served will be based on the God of the Bible. The wicked will get justice when they are judged by God and the people that trusted Jesus will be rewarded.
God wants the wicked to know him so he is kind to them so a person needs to trample on God to go to hell.
Psalm 11:7 says, "For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face." 

Friday, July 14, 2017

The greatest President ever JFK? Was he a Democrat?

This guy was one of the most popular presidents ever, he was handsome. He was a war hero and he believed that the United States needed a strong military was needed for peace in the world.
He believed that cutting taxes were the best way to grow the economy of the United States.
He opposed racial quotas and he hated unrestricted abortion.
Do you know his name? And he was not a Republican.  His name was John F. Kennedy.
When he was running for office in 1960, he was a mainstream Democrat.
The name of Kennedy is beloved in the Democrat party but Democrats hates his political positions.
Ronald Regan was the 40th President of the United States was a Democrat most of his life.
He said, "I didn't leave the Democratic Party but the party left me."
If Kennedy was alive now, what party would be Kennedy? Would he still be a Democrat?
JFK hated the idea of using racial preference and quotas so he would be against the current Democrats now. Affirmative Action is very Democratic. Kennedy that this idea was counter-productive.
He would say this about Affirmative Action and he would not like it. He said, "I don't think we can undo the past now. We have to the best we can now."
He said, "I don't think quotas are a good idea, we are too mixed, this society of ours to begin divide ourselves on the base of race or color."
Kennedy was a fan of across the board tax-cuts. He thought people should keep their money and not give to the government. He thought even the rich people should keep their money.
He said, "A tax cut means higher family  income and higher business profit."
With the idea that Kennedy had, families would have more money for themselves to provide for their families.
He believe that business that were not taxed as much would grow better. He thought too many taxes on business would hurt growth.
Russia built a weapon plant in Cuba, he was going to use military. The Cuban Missile Crisis happened and Russia backed down.
Reagan and Kennedy believed in peace with strength and not strength with peace.
He said this, "Only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt that they never be employed."
Kennedy believed that people should have gun rights. He was a member of the IRA and he was a Democrat. He wanted people to have guns.
Kennedy was against abortion.  He picked a pro-life judge on the Supreme Court that didn't want Roe vs. Wade. The judge name was Byron Rehnquist. He opposed the idea in Japan that promoted Abortion to control the population.
He said, "On the question of limiting population: As you know, the Japanese have been doing it very vigorously, though abortion which I think would be repugnant to all Americans."
If Kennedy the greatest Democratic President lived today, he would be a conservative.