Monday, January 30, 2017

What is holding back the Arab world back?

There was a match in Judo. There were two people, one was from Israel and the other from Egypt.
The person from Israel won the match after the match, the guy from Egypt refused to shake the hand of the person from Israel.
The culture in the Arab land's is the idea of hating the Jewish. The Judo match was a prime example.
This is a major problem in this culture.
The media will not talk about this but they will say these things hold back the Arab world.
The ideas are the legacy of colonialism, unemployed youth, the Sunni-Shia sectarian divide, and it is not their fault.
The last 70 years, the Arab lands has kicked every Jews from their land, the total amount of people are 900,000 and still having heart in their heart towards the Jews.
Here is a list of the issues the have occurred in 70 years like lost human capital, expensive wars, intellectual life perverted by conspiracy theories, and search for a scapegoats.
The problem in the Arab world is due to their mindset, we all know the issue and it is called
Paul Johnson, a great history person says, "Whenever anti-Semitism took hold, social and political decline almost inevitably followed."
Spain expelled its Jews in 1492, the effect was to deprive Spain and it colonies, of a class already notable for astute handling of finance.
In Czarist Russia, the idea of anti-Semitic laws weakened and corrupted government.
Plus, many Jews left Russia which lost of intellectual and human capital.
Hitler didn't like the Jews but it hurt him. He kicked of Jewish scientist that made Atomic Bomb if he kept the Jews in Germany.
The Arab culture had issues with Israel before 1948 when Israel became a country.
In the year of 1929, the land of Palestine had an anti-Jewish Pogroms. There was another anti-Jewish Pogroms in Iraq in 1941.There was another anti-Jewish Pogroms in Libya in 1945.
Many will blame Israel for the Arabs hatred of them because of land for peace but we must look at this.
Israel offered the Arabs land for peace. During this time, the people of Egypt still hated the Jews as much as before.
Paul Johnson says, "Anti-Semitism: a "highly infected" disease capable of overwhelming intellectuals and simpletons alike."
For the Jew hater, every crime has the same culprit and every problem has the same solution.
There is no great college in the Arab world. There is no science break news or writings.
The United States Patent office in 2015 had 3,804 in Israel and only 30 in Egypt.
By shaming the Jews, the Arabs will lose. The Jews are good with water and this has helped out Syria and Jordan.
The sad thing is that people in Egypt only think of the Jews as someone that hurt them, even if the Jews will not.
The Arabs need to look at Israel and learn from them but the only thing they do. They only want to hate and not learn.

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