Tuesday, June 7, 2016

God is merciful, my Muslim friend

The Word of God teaches us that "All have sinned" without any exception. Also, the Qur'an mentions that all the prophets fell under sin including Adam (Tah 116). Abraham (Poets 82). Moses (Poets 20). David (Sad 25), and Mohammed (Victory 2, Mohammed 21, Believer 57). In the meantime, the Qur'an testifies that Jesus is the only exception distinguished among all men, who is infallible of faults and sins. The Qur'an expounded on this subject saying: "Blessed He has made me, wherever I may be." (Mary 31); also, it says: High honored shall he be in this world and the next." (House of Imran 45). El-Razi gave his interpretation of this verse, saying: "He is high honored in this world by reason that He is blameless; and in "the next" because of His great righteousness and the superiority of His position before God." (Volume 3; page 686). The conclusion of all this is that the Qur'an and the Muslim scholars have acknowledge that infallibility and perfection belonged exclusively to Christ, at the time that such attributes belong only to God. All the prophets conceded that they had sinned and erred; and none of them claimed to be infallible. How could Christ be the One and only perfect and infallible One, if He Himself was not God, to whom belong perfection and infallibility? No human can be infallible, for all have sinned. Therefore, by necessity Jesus is God.


John 8:46

 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me?

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