Sunday, March 13, 2016

We can experience the Lord, my Muslim friend

Among all the religions of the world, you will never find a message of God's love like that which was introduced to the world by the Lord Jesus Christ. In other religions, God is there to scare people and to judge them. For this, you will not find a religion's book where the words "love", "love of God" and "God is love" have been repeatedly mentioned as they were in the Bible, and in the Gospel of Christ, the New Testament.
Students of religions have considered this phenomenon unique to Christianity. Their wonder dissipates when they understand who is Christ, and what was the purpose behind His coming to this earth.
The different religions have acknowledge that man has sinned; consequently, God's justice condemned him to perdition and to the lake of fire.
On the other hand, man proved to be totally incapable of liberating himself from the tiresome weight of sin, and of saving himself from the shackles of sin and its condemnation. Good works and a lot of money can't work as a bribe to God, and as a waver of the demands of God's justice. Here, we find that God did not take the attitude of the unconcerned bystander, but He intervened, exerting the full weight of His power, to demonstrate His great love and good will towards us. Thus, God manifested His love unto us by sending His only Son to be our substitute in bearing the sin's punishment, even though He knew no sin.
Even the Qur'an endorsed that very fact saying: "I shall cause thee to die and raise thee unto me." (House of Imran 55), meaning that God would cause Christ's death in accordance with His eternal plan to save man and raise Him again from the dead.
In His death on the cross, Mercy and Justice embraced. There He broke the throne of sin and crushed its power; for He alone could fulfill the demands of God's justice. The work that was completed by Christ on the Cross required great sacrifice that was motive by a great love that no human can fully comprehend. Therefore, only God can express God's love; for that reason, He had to send His only Son to demonstrate it to us practically, so we can understand the purpose of God. Consequently,  you will not be able to find God's love outside the Gospel of Christ. Those who do not know Christ as their own Savior, feel that heaven is not surely theirs. I pray that you will respond to that great love and accept Him as your personal Savior.

John 3:16-18

 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.

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