Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The human ego

I don't like this
Having an human ego
I want a self promotion

James and John talked to Jesus
They wanted to have the spot
The right hand of God

John is similar to me
So Jesus had to correct
Me and John

Power have two sides
The world will lord over
God's way is being servant

The world will enslave the masses
The poor will cry
There will be no salvation

The Lord breaks the pride
The humble will take
The anointed be used for glory

The slave will be first
The leader will be last
The attitude of the two different

Christ is God
He was spotless
Then put on the cross

He conquered death
He gives eternal life
If a person desires to be last

Lord Jesus look in my heart
I don't want to be a slave
But your servant for now and forever

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