Saturday, February 20, 2021

Military Anti-Extremism order

 A memo from President Biden's Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin directs commanders to conduct a "Stand-Down to Address Extremism in the Ranks." The goal, ostensibly, is to flush out people with extremism views from our nation's military. But the memo never defines "extremist or dissident ideologies."

The order relies upon the theory that the ranks our out military are filled with white supremacists based on the Capitol riot on January sixth. In a stunning act of cynical political theater, Democrats have turned the Capitol into Fort Pelosi due to baseless claims of an ongoing right-wing threat  of violence. I must say this statement, the military does a good job weeding out those associated with KKK or other white supremacist groups. The only thing this order accomplishes is to open the door to hazy definition of a broader, and more sinister, interpretation--targeting social conservatives. Military attorney  Roger Maxwell added on Washington Watch (a event from Family Research Council) that "the line is just not clear at all," but according to the Dod definition, "efforts to deprive individuals of their civil rights is also lumped under definition of extremism."

The Supreme court has twisted the meaning of "civil rights" to include abortion, same-sex marriage and transgender ideology. The means that a servicemember who attends a pro-life event could be hauled before a court martial as an extremist. Being honest, the definition of action is so squishy it could include  any sort of "advocating for a certain belief system," added Maxwell. "any sort of Facebook post of offhand comment," he said, "could potentially fit under this definition." So if a servicemember posts that biological males shouldn't be able to complete in women's, it could violate Secretary Austin's order.

The problem is pointed to Christian chaplains, whose job is to spiritually counsel soldiers." A chaplain of a normal Christian persuasion would fit under this definition" as an extremist, said  Maxwell. Congress Jim Banks (R-Ind.) said on Washington Watch that that his Democratic colleagues have definition of extremism that "is pretty broad and politically driven." He explained, "they call me an extremist. They call you an extremist. They call the Family Research Council extremist. They call most Republicans extremist." Maybe the ones who believe half of Americans are to fringe to be included in society are the real extremists.

I know that it human nature to overreact and we can get paranoid. All we have so far are vague definition, after all, but my concerns are based on historical experience. During the Obama administration, the military, relying in part of the SPLC's biased "hate map," listed the American Family Association as an extremist group, and warned servicemembers that they could be court-martialed for interacting with them. We can't let it happen again.

Congressman Banks said Democrats are tying to "drive a stake through," the heart of the Republican party by labelling them as extremists. They want to "prevent us from winning back the majority in the 2022 election and the White House in 2024," he said. But he believes their efforts will backfire. Once again, it looks like Democrats are set on overplaying their hand. The most effective recourse for those who are concerned the military will push out conservatives and Christians vote. 

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